Brits Fun Rally
The Peter Hengst Memorial Fun Rally was held at Brits on Saturday 21 November with 7 teams having entered.
The event was split with 3 teams electing to be scored under Fun Rally scoring rules and 4 team being scored under advanced scoring rules.
The challenging route made for some interesting results.
Sean Murphy and Carl were clear winners in the fun class with a score of 560 followed in second place by Andrew and Hugh Lane with a score 1520 and with Nic Christodoulou and Andre Kluyts in third place with a score of 1648.
The competition in the open class was a lot tighter with the first 3 places being separated by only 61 points. Frank and Cally Eckard took first place with 532 points, Hans Schwebel and Ron Stirk in second place with 562 points and Rob Jonker and Martin Meyer in third place with 593 points.
As usual the Brits Flying did not disappoint and provided a fantastic venue with good food and cold drinks.