SAPFA Development Program – 2003
Youth Development Day

As part of the youth development program of the Aero Club of South Africa the South African Power Flying Association (SAPFA) held a very successful flying day at Brits in mid 2003.
A group of 25 candidates were selected and attended the day at Brits. The participants were evaluated by giving them some theoretical background to flying and then evaluating their flying abilities by flying with them. The participants all had a chance to take the controls of the aircraft and fly. The day was held in conjunction with Siyandiza, the development section of the South African Air Force. The day was a resounding success and will be repeated.

SAPFA will continue to attempt to raise funds to enable some of these candidates to embark on what will hopefully be a flying career.
This flying day followed after a group of children visited Brits Airfield on an aviation awareness outing earlier in the year. These children were from the Tirisano Day Care Centre and came with their teacher, Pauline.
SAPFA committee members Hans Schwebel and Ron Stirk treated them with cold drinks, etc. and showed them in and around a typical general aviation aircraft. They were all briefed on the basics of flying and had the opportunity to sit in the aircraft and feel the controls – many of them coming close to an aircraft for the first time. Unfortunately they could not be taken up in the aircraft for some actual piloting of an aircraft. They went away much wiser and quite excited.

Competitive Flying Development
Our objective is to encourage new and younger pilots of all races to participate in competitive flying where one gets the chance to hone one’s basic flying skills. With the support of the Central Flying Academy, a number of short rally flight have been organised between Grand Central and Rustenburg or Brits. In these rallies pilots are assisted by experienced Protea pilots.