1986 O.F.S. Provincial Air Rally
1986 O.F.S. Provincial Air Rally
Held at Tempe – 20 September 1986
By Renier Moolman
Bloemfontein Flying Club, Saturday September 20th. The scene was set for what must be one of the most controversial rallies that was ever held in South Africa. At the end of the day, one cannot but help to lift the hat to Glen Dell and Neil Napier, who by putting into practise their team effort of flying skill and navigational expertise, thrashed all the other teams. The initiative that these guys displayed during their preparation; the fact that they could sum up an awkward situation which they were left with and reacted with such deliberate action and success, has left both organisers and opposition stunned. The aircraft that these two okies flew, was once again the Cessna 150 IOP. But this is no ordinary 150. It carries joseph’s amazing technicolour dreamcoat and under the bonnet is tucked a twin-dipstick, double-overhead-chrome, supercharged-oil-cooler-172 engine. Believe me this thing goes.
In an amazing second place was the husband-and-wife team from P.E., Dave and Ivanhoe Perelson. Ivanhoe, who recently accompanied the Springbok team to Spain, decided that backseat-driving was for the birds. So watch out guys – here comes trouble! She has teamed up with her hubbie and in their new Cardinal JCY, have scored points in two out of two rallies so far!
Nico “Omar” Gordon with his new navigator and partner in practise, Dr Slabbert, both from Bloem Flying Club, has made it two third places in a row. So it looks like their little Cessna 150 EGY’s lucky number is three. It being only the second major rally they took part in, shows that “die ou manne” are going to have to watch their tails in future.
Fourth place and scoring team points in every rally they have taken part in is the team of the Mooney LHE and the Mostert brothers, Dave and Anton. If this young team from Pletermaritzburg carries on as they are, selection for the next National Team will only be a formality.
The fifth place of the all Springbok Team of Colin Jordaan and John Adams, have once again proved that their combined skills have made them the most experienced team ever touring the rally circuit. The success that this team has had is not luck, it is years and years of time, dedication & practise.
Springbok Adrian Pilling from ‘Maritzburg, not,only won the landings competition, but together with his navigator Robert Crosskill took sixth overall position. Adrian put down a “zero”, the only man in the competition to do so. He was followed by Andre van Kraayenberg and M Holmes each scoring 10 penalties.