Brits Fly-in – 13 November 2010

Brits Airfield welcomed 35 airplanes on Saturday 13 November to celebrate the Peter Hengst Memorial Day. Peter was a loyal and active member of Brits Flying Club for many years, and the project is held annually in his honour. His wife, Crystal, was present, preparing breakfast and coffee for all the visitors.

The EAA and SAPFA members braved the heat to spend some time together and swap flying anecdotes.

SAPFA took the opportunity to hold a “Fun Precision Flying Competition”. 17 pilots took part, many of them contenders for National Precision Flying Championships which are scheduled for the end of November, also in Brits.

Hans Schwebel, chairman of Brits Flying Club, long-time Rally and Precision pilot, and the newly instated Vice President of the GAC (General Aviation Commission) of the FAI, put together a route that was both challenging and enjoyable. The normally rigid rules of Precision were relaxed slightly for the day, to enable pilots to adjust their skills from Rally Flying to Precision Flying. SAPFA are also trying to encourage more Rally pilots to attempt Precision, in order to expand the field available for National selection, and to improve South Africa’s chances next year at The World Championships.

Frank Eckard won first place, with up-and-coming Jonty Esser hot on his heels. Ron Stirk from Brits was placed third, and Rob Kennedy fourth. Congratulations to all the pilots who attempted Precision Flying for the first time.
Mike Cathro came first in the Sportsman class, with Keith Irwin second, Wynand Uys third and Rob Jonkers fourth.

Thanks to Brits Flying Club for hosting the event, to Hans for preparing the route, to Crystal and Ursula for preparing the delicious breakfast, and to Nella for running the club.

Brits Flying Club has generously offered to host the World Precision Flying Championships in October 2011, and if Saturday’s event is anything to go by, then our local and overseas visitors are in for a treat.


2010 Brits Fun Precision Rally 13 th November 2010
Pos. Reg Pilot Theory Mkrs Flight Photo Other Landings Total
1 MOC Frank Eckard 0 0 474 40 0 0 514
2 EYS Jonty Esser 0 0 588 40 0 0 628
3 IWD Ron Stirk 0 0 598 80 0 0 678
4 FHD Rob Kennedy 0 0 696 100 0 0 796
5 KNH Adrian Pilling 0 0 947 60 0 0 1007
6 CNZ Walter Walle 0 0 1037 40 0 0 1077
7 FDK Jan Hanekom 0 0 1303 40 0 0 1343
8 CNZ Steve van der Merwe 0 0 1690 100 0 0 1790
Pos. Reg Pilot Theory Mkrs Flight Photo Other Landings Total
1 CHJ Mike Cathro 0 0 762 40 0 0 802
2 EYS Keith Irwin 0 0 980 80 0 0 1060
3 ESO Wynand Uys 0 0 1314 140 0 0 1454
4 KEZ Rob Jonkers 0 0 1895 140 0 0 2035
5 DED Telly Thomas 0 0 1944 120 0 0 2064
6 FLF Ralph Hurwitz 0 0 1946 140 0 0 2086
7 IFY John Shaw 0 0 2109 100 0 0 2209
8 DED Senio Do Pereiro 0 0 2300 140 0 0 2440
9 FDK Alan Wesson 0 0 2218 320 0 0 2538
10 UFO Ben van Zyl 0 0 2500 320 0 0 2820
11 IRL Sean Murphy 0 0 2500 320 0 0 2820