Articles Rally (Page 4)

Dare to Excite-the SAPFA Rally at Rand Airport 2018

By Cally Eckard , Rob Jonkers, Cheryl Smit and Willie Bodenstein

with permission from Pilot’s Post.

Saturday was organiser Frank Eckard’s 14th Rand Airport Challenge. Reminiscing that when he first starting organising these events only 14 years ago, Frank used to have to bring along his desktop computer with a 386 processor, and a cathode-ray monitor, and photos of turn-points and enroute were taking with an SLR camera with a roll of film, and each competitor received an envelope with actual photos inside. Needless to say, that was a costly exercise, and took a great deal of time to organise. Nowadays a laptop and Google Earth are his tools of trade.

The participants and organisers of the Rand Rally.

Competitors listening attentively to Frank during the briefing.

Rand Airport waived landing fees for all the aircraft that took part, and ATC made a safe, smooth and efficient start possible.


Some of the competing aircraft.

Twelve teams participated, in three categories – Fun, Advanced Fun, and Advanced. Besides the usual selection of Cessna’s, there was also a Piper 28B, four Slings, and a Robinson 44, to provide variety. The helicopter incurred penalties when it moved backwards when it arrived too early for a turn point, something which one doesn’t normally see when only fixed wing aircraft take part!

The only helicopter entry crewed by Marc Krauss and Taryn Pucjlowski.

Teams consisting of pilots and navigators who both have their colours flew in the Advanced Class,

Protea pilots Ron Stirk and Thys van der Merwe decided to give Pilots Post photographers Cheryl Smit and Willie Bodenstein a taste of rally by roping them in as navigators for their respective teams. They therefore made up the “Advanced Fun” Class. Cheryl pronounced that she is now “hooked” on the sport and now understands the attraction pilots feel towards it.

Cheryl’s and Thys’s zero penalty points logger route superimposed on the actual track.

“Arriving at Rand at SAPFA to photograph and report on the event, I never imagined I could have been roped in to navigate in the advanced fun section with the extremely experienced retired SAA captain Thys van der Merwe.” Cheryl said. “Fifty one minutes in the air surrounded in the cockpit with maps and photographs identifying turning points and pre-photographed landmarks, the 51 minutes felt like five minutes in the air. Much respect to the rally pilots and navigators for their skill required during the rally. Thank you Thys for allowing me the opportunity to participate and although a flawless route flown with zero penalties we were penalised for failing to identify two of the leg photographs. But I will gladly accept second place in the class.”

The course and path map navigated by Cheryl Smit and Willie Bodenstein in the Advanced Fun Class.

“When I was told that I was to crew as navigator for the legendary Ron Stirk, a previous world precision flying champion, I was apprehensive but at the same time excited. Having reported on rallies for the last eight years I have never had the opportunity to share the cockpit during a competition and I was amazed at the workload required to fly and navigate the course. Firstly one has to nominate a flying speed and plan the route on the map issued before the flight but one must make sure that one will be able to arrive at the various turn points on the time. To complicate things even more there are a number of photos of landmarks, sourced from Google maps, between turn points that must also be identified and marked on the maps at the exact position spotted. We found all the turn points and only missed one photo, all thanks to Ron’s amazing skill as a pilot.”

Pierre and Francois van der Merwe finished 4th in the Fun Rally Class.

Colin de Paiva and Sean Russel were placed 5th in the Fun Rally Class.

Fist timers Rhys Joseph and Andrew Segeren finished 6th place in the Fun Rally Class.

Caroline Koll and Milan Daniz were placed 7th in the Fun Rally Class.

An in-flight perspective by Rob Jonkers

This year’s Rand Navigation Challenge was the first fixture where the new international standard FAI rules were tested for the experienced crews. Our own Frank Eckard was tasked by the FAI to redesign a common set of rules for world competitions, with three guinea pig teams to try it out on. Thus the advanced class had a totally different set of rules to fly than the fun teams, although the route was the same for both. In the advanced class we had 20 leg photos to identify along the route, provided in a jumbled order, and turning point photos that could be correct or incorrect, and orientated in any direction.

Martin Plotting the route.

The map provided was blank and coupled with a task sheet, the plot had to be done in the aircraft with a 40 minute time period prior take-off, and between Martin and myself we could complete 2 maps with the route information before getting airborne and prepare the cockpit with the photos, although did not have sufficient time to study the photos and their likely map locations.

The Cockpit prepared with the turning point and 1st set of 10 leg photos.

The start point was an easy interchange next to South gate, and the first turning point was the unmissable Orlando cooling towers, from there the route became tricky, with the first incorrect turning point photos becoming evident, then a real curved ball at turning point 4, which was an easy to follow leg along the R28 where the photo provided was in fact an intersection before the real turning point, where I wondered how did we arrive at this point so early, and was fooled into believing the photo was correct, where it in fact was not, and only realizing the mistake when nothing much lined up on the next leg, and of course got to the next turning point too late. Thus, a very simple mistake cost us dearly in the navigation points, and I guess we would have missed some leg photos too. At least after this we recovered well, but the leg photos remained elusive only finding 6 out of the 20 in the end; at least we identified the turning point photos correctly after realizing the TP4 mistake.

Somewhere along the route.

A lot of hard work in the cockpit for this format of rally, keeping heading and speed as well as trying to make out leg photo features, and as always a lot of fun.

Conspicuous by their absence were members and students of the large number of flying schools resident at Rand. In contrast, the annual fun rally hosted by Grand Central airport is well supported by especially one of the much smaller number of the flight schools based at the airport.

The placing’s in the various classes are:

Leon Bouttel and Mary de Klerk won the Advanced Class.

Rob Jonkers and Martin Meyer finished in 2nd place.

Mauritz du Plessis and Andre Kluyts was placed 3rd.

Ron Stirk and Pilot’s Posts Willie Bodenstein won the Advanced Fun Class.

Thys van der Merwe and Pilot’s Posts Cheryl Smith finished 2nd in the Advanced Fun Class.

Shane Britz and Karen Stroude won the Fun Rally Class.

Tarryn Pucjlowski and Marc Krauss finished 2ne in the Fun Rally Class.

Husband and wife team Edzad and Cecile Verseput was placed 3rd in the Fun Rally Class.

If you haven’t as yet entered a SAPFA rally you honestly should. Not only is it a lot of fun but you will also spend the day surrounded by people that are truly enthusiastic about flying and probably the friendliest people in aviation. Flying the rally will contribute immensely to improving your navigation and flying skills.

The next SAPFA Rally will be the held as part of the Rand Airport Easter Festival on 31 March 2018. For more information contact Rob at E-mail


Kitty Hawk –  Rally Training camp 19th of March 2017



Thank you to all that attended and to all the Protean’s that put time aside to help transfer their skills on our training camp. (Ron Stirk, Rob Jonkers, Martin Meyer, Frank Eckard, Cally Eckard and Jonty Esser)

Special thanks to Rob Jonkers that gave a presentation detailing the exciting Rally flying competitions.


After the presentation and a short video ( this will be available on You-Tube soon ), Rob and Martin created a straight line route for the new competition pilots to fly accompanied with Protean Pilots Jonty Esser and Frank Eckard.

During the flight the Protean’s demonstrated the techniques to get to the turn point within a 5 second window.

Deon van Zyl said “WOW i didn’t realised how much piloting of the aircraft is required to get within the scoring window at a turn point”

Morne Greeff said “I have learnt so much and really want to fly more competitions in the near future”






Jonty Esser

SAPFA Chairman             

Cell: 082 855 9435





Kitty Hawk –  Rally Training camp 19th of March 2017



07h00 – 08h00 – Arrivals

08h00 – 08h45 – Breakfast

08h45 – 09h00 – Roll Call and Briefing

09h00 – 11h00 – First Lesson Prep for Flight Theory (Equipment and how to use them, Mental Preparation)

11h00 – 12h00 – Map Reading and CRM – (Aircraft preparation, duties of each crew member and technichs to look for photos and markers)

12h00 – 12h30 – Lunch (Restaurant at Kitty Hawk)

12h30 – 13h00 – Theory on How to bingo the start and all turn points.

13h45 – 16h00 – Practical flying with a Protean Team member to enhance your skills to bingo the turn points. (we will do three points (START – TURN POINT ONE and FINISH) in a straight line. (this will help you learn the correct methods and flying skills to bingo the turn points in a competition.)

17h00 – Departures

See you there!!!




Jonty Esser

SAPFA Chairman             

Cell: 082 855 9435




11th February 2017

By Cally Eckard

It was 13th time lucky for this event, with no incidences for organiser Frank Eckard.  Rand Airport waived landing fees for the sixteen aircraft who took part, and provided Paul Roberts to be the Safety Officer for the event.


The weather was perfect, and the route took the competitors to the Vaal River, and across the wall of the Vaal Dam and then across the dam, with part of the route requiring the pilots to fly along the river.  Beautiful views of a nearly-full dam and rivers and streams bursting their banks and green fields from horizon to horizon were a welcome sight.  The return journey was almost a straight line back to Rand, with only one crew mistakenly grazing the fringes of OT airspace, in their effort to find Rand Airport’s runway.  Two teams flew helicopters, one of them, manned by Jason Stimson and William Levene, achieving a respectable fourth place.


Teams consisting of pilots and navigators who both have their colours flew in the Unlimited category.  For the first time, another category was introduced, being the Advanced category, consisting of one Fun Rally pilot and one pilot who has earned their colours either as a navigator or as a pilot.  The Protea team are trying to encourage keen pilots and navigators to participate in Nationals, and flying with them in order to share their skills.  Jonty Esser, who scored a perfect 0 was the only participant in the Precision category, where only a pilot takes part.   The other teams flew in the Fun Rally category.


Protea  navigator Mary de Klerk and Karl Jensen, who have flown this rally for the last few years, earned first place in this new category.   Newcomers to rally, Willem Greyling and Gavin Lundie won the prestigious Rand Airport Challenge trophy in the Fun Rally section, beating the other 10 teams.


The Fun Rally section was hotly contested, and the five top places were:

Pilot Navigator Aircraft Points
1 Willem Greyling Gavin Lundie Savannah S 116
2 Milan Daniz Caroline Koll Sling TC 07 215
3 Mike Heffil Marc Backo Evektor Harmony 219
4 Jason Stimson William Levene Robinson 44 303
5 Nick Christodoulou Andre Kluyts Cessna 172 397



The Advanced Class results were as follows:

Pilot Navigator Aircraft Points
1 Karl Jensen Mary de Klerk Cessna 170 93
2 Pierre Dippenaar Martin Meyer Cessna 182 212
3 Leon Bouttell Cally Eckard Sportstar 568


The Precision section:

Pilot Aircraft Points
1 Jonty Esser Citabria 0


And the Unlimited category:

Pilot Navigator Aircraft Points
1 Hans Schwebel Ron Stirk Cessna 150 72
2 Rob Jonkers Martin Meyer Cessna 182 81


The very popular Virginia Fun Rally has been postponed.  Please keep your eyes peeled for the new date.  The next event is the Precisions National Championships, with a Fun Rally on the Saturday, venue and date to be announced.    Three Training Camps will be held leading up to Nationals.  Please watch the SAPFA website for updated information.

Full Results Below:

Rand Airport Challenge
Rand Airport
POSITION FILE Pilot Name Navigator Name COUNTRY Aircraft Registration Entry Category NAV ALT. TRACK OBS LANDINGS OTHER TOTAL
1 16 Willem Greyling Gavin Lundie 0 ZU-FXZ Fun 26 0 60 30 0 0 116
2 6 Milan Daniz Caroline Koll 0 ZU-SLF Fun 115 0 0 100 0 0 215
3 7 Mike Heffil Marc Backo 0 ZU-FWS Fun 49 0 0 170 0 0 219
4 3 Jason Stimson William Levene 0 ZS-ALC Fun 253 0 0 50 0 0 303
5 13 Nick Christodoulou Andre Kluyts 0 ZS-SYA Fun 307 0 0 90 0 0 397
6 15 Luis Ramos Peter Bland 0 ZU-FGV Fun 314 0 0 195 0 0 509
7 8 Roy Gregson Colin De Pavia 0 ZS-CET Fun 355 0 60 170 0 0 585
8 4 Marc Krauss Tarryn Adendorff 0 ZS LON Fun 473 0 60 170 0 0 703
9 9 Alastair Matthews Nicole Matthews 0 ZS CBB Fun 414 0 240 145 0 0 799
10 5 Mark Jackson Edzard Verseput 0 ZU-IIT Fun 567 0 120 135 0 0 822
11 2 Abhijit Kang Aliki Capatos 0 ZS-RML Fun 780 0 300 180 0 0 1260
1 10 Karl Jensen Mary de Klerk 0 ZU-VAL Advanced 93 0 0 0 0 0 93
2 1 Pierre Dippenaar Martin Meyer 0 ZS-IVC Advanced 132 0 0 80 0 0 212
3 14 Leon Boutell Cally Eckard 0 ZU-FBJ Advanced 368 0 200 0 0 0 568
1 12 Jonty Esser 0 0 ZS-MYH Unlimited 12 0 0 0 0 0 12
1 11 Hans Schwebel Ron Stirk 0 ZS-IWD Unlimited 72 0 0 0 0 0 72
2 17 Rob Jonkers Martin Meyer 0 ZS-IVC Unlimited 66 0 0 15 0 0 81


19 November 2016

By Cally Eckard

Eight teams participated in this rally, four of them first-timers, who now describe themselves as hooked on the sport.  Roger Bizzoli organised the event, and made sure the competitors and spectators were well supplied with breakfast and coffee.


The weather was overcast with high cloud, so the competition was postponed by an hour, so organiser Frank Eckard took the opportunity to explain some of the finer points of rally flying while we waited for the weather to lift.

The route included a sizeable stretch of the Vaal River, and the teams had to follow the course of the river before turning back to the airfield.  However, one team inadvertently crossed the river without noticing it, and were only alerted to this fact once they spotted Letaba Power Station.  Another crew saw the Start Point, but chose the wrong heading and managed to miss crossing the Start Line altogether, but got back on course immediately and found all of the other turnpoints.

The crews managed to find most of the photographs, which is quite an admirable feat for people new to this sport.  In fact, father-and-son team Arthur and Graeme de Kock found all the photographs and plotted them all accurately, receiving the top score of 0.

Six teams took part in the Fun Rally, and Ron Stirk took part in the Open Precision category, and Thys van der Merwe and his navigator Keaton Perkins took part in the Open Rally category.

Chairman Dave Gill during the prize giving explained that Bob Hay was a long-standing member of Johannesburg Light Plane Club, situated at Baragwanath Airfield.  Although not an instructor, he was the go-to person for any pilot who had any queries or needed advice regarding flying and aerodynamics.  He was also three times South African Aerobatics Pilot.

Prizes were handed out by Dave Gill and Frank Eckard.  Arthur and Graeme de Kock are now the proud winners of the Bob Hay Memorial Trophy.

Winners Arthur de Kock and Graeme de Kock

The results were as follows:

The Fun Rally section :

1 Arthur de Kock Graeme de Kock
2 Nick Christodoulou Andre Kluyts
3 Matthew French Jacques de Villiers


Winner in the Open Class – Ron Stirk


The Open Class results were as follows:

1 Ron Stirk
2 Thys van der Merwe Keaton Perkins


That ends our rally program for this year.

Top Teams

The next Fun Rally is the Rand Airport Challenge on Saturday 28 January.  All welcome.  Please enter online.


by Rob Jonkers (photos by Willie Bodenstein)

The South African Power Flying Association (SAPFA) together with the Superior Pilot Services (SPS) organised a successful Navigation Fun Rally on Saturday 29thOctober 2016.


Under the Stewardship of SAPFA’s Rob Jonkers who planned & plotted the course, a total of 16 entrants registered to partake in the rally, although only 12 eventually were able to take part, some of them having had to withdraw due to an Avgas shortage.

SPS Commercial pilot students busy with their plot
SPS Commercial pilot students busy with their plot

There were 7 crews from SPS, all commercial pilot students getting their first experience in the art of Navigation Rally flying. SPS instructors Leonard Edwards and Johann Oosthuizen provided the SPS students with two training sessions prior to the event to prepare them for the route which had to be plotted from a task sheet.

The busy briefing & plotting room
The busy briefing & plotting room 

Most competitors arrived by 7:30 on Saturday morning to start the plotting activity which took the best part of 2 hours with the first aircraft off at 9:45.

The weather forecast for the day was given to be very clear, temperatures getting up to 34 Deg C with some wind. The wind, although starting out at less than 10kts increased during the day to around 15 kts, with the 2nd group of competitors taking the brunt of the turbulence and heat, with some of crews having to turn back feeling somewhat queasy.

Start-up of competitors on the Grand Central Apron
Start-up of competitors on the Grand Central Apron

The route was planned to go out north, into familiar territory for the Grand Central based crews as most of the legswere in their training backyard. The start and finish points were just north of the N14 in the narrow Special Rules corridor between the Waterkloof&Lanseria airspace, and from there the route went out over the Hartebeespoort dam, across the Magalies ridge and into the scenic Crocodile river valley, then east across to Soshanguve  and back across the ridge to the finish.

From the GPS logger plot results, it could be seen the teams were struggling to slow down enough on the eastern & southern legs with many zig-zags being evident to counter the stronger wind at altitude.

There was one photo per leg that needed to be recognized, many of them were at least spotted by the crews, including a bonus photo which was one of those irresistible features (Stadium) that had to be found somewhere along the route, and which many crews did find in Attridgeville on the last leg.

After all the scores were tallied, prize-giving was held in the briefing area, where the first three places went to Leonard Edwards and DinokengSethusa who came 1st with 60 penalty points with no timing errors, Pierre Dippenaar & Martin Meyer who came 2nd with 124 penalty points, and Tristan McMillan & Andre Kluyts who came 3rd with 426 penalty points.

Winners in the Fun Class Leonard Edwards and DinokengSethusa with SPS Operations Manager Ben Matthee and Rally Organiser Rob Jonkers
Winners in the Fun Class Leonard Edwards and DinokengSethusa with SPS Operations Manager Ben Matthee and Rally Organiser Rob Jonkers
2nd place in the Fun Class Pierre Dippenaar & Martin Meyer
2nd place in the Fun Class Pierre Dippenaar & Martin Meyer
3rd place in the Fun Class Tristan McMillan & Andre Kluyts
3rd place in the Fun Class Tristan McMillan & Andre Kluyts 

There was only one advanced entrant, that of Frank & Cally Eckard scoring 254penalty points under advanced rules of a 5 second window at each turning point, and two Precision Rally entrants who fly solo where timing accuracy is very key to attracting very few penalties.


1st in the Advanced Class Frank & Cally Eckard
1st in the Advanced Class Frank & Cally Eckard

With this rally with 11 turning points, an additional 13 secret timing points were added making a total of 24 timing points which the precision flyers were marked on. In this category Hans Schwebel came 1st with 513 penalty points with Mauritz du Plessis (with Bennie du Plessis as observer) coming 2nd with 1042 penalty points.

1st in the Precisions Class Hans Schwebel
1st in the Precisions Class Hans Schwebel

This event was for sure enjoyed by all, most entrants never having flown a rally before, getting an understanding of flying with more precision, especially in the slower flight regime, and having to deal with wind variation. Many thanks extended to SPS for making all the arrangements with Grand Central Management as well as to Leon Boutell for being the chief judge for the event.



by Rob Jonkers (photos by Willie Bodenstein)

The South African Power Flying Association (SAPFA) together with the Krugersdorp Flying Club organised an extremely successful Navigation Fun Rally on Saturday 15th October 2016. Under the Stewardship of SAPFA’s Frank Eckard who planned & plotted the course, a total of 12 entrants were able to partake in the fun rally.


There was one further entrant in the Precision Rally Mauritz du Plessis all the way from the Cape who was flying this format as a qualifying competition rally for the Precisions Nationals being held in March 2017.

Mauritz du Plessis came all the way from Gansbaai, and took part in the Precision format rally in a
C152 and finished with 1459 penalty points

This rally was originally scheduled for March, but was completely rained and fogged out, thus had to happen later in the year, October normally being a good weather month option, but with the whacky weather of late, it appears the hot dry winds of August came two months later. And so the challenging weather did not disappoint, with increasing wind from the north getting stronger by the hour, peaking around 2 pm with 15 to 20 kts crosswind on the runway, with Krugersdorp’s runway particularly exposed to the elements. This reduced the field of entrants somewhat, as some teams indicated their crosswind limits out of their comfortable range, and as we know Pilot’s discretion rules.

Chris Kyle and Frank Eckard giving safety and route briefings to the competitors.

The rally briefing started juts before 8 am with Chris Kyle providing airspace rules and with Frank providing some of the route details, after which breakfast and plotting could start.



Competitors busy with the serious business of plotting

The first aircraft departed around 10 am on a route mostly to the south west, past Westonaria, turning northwest at Carletonville into an area so sparse with virtually no ground features to speak of, making it tough to follow the required ground track.

The Track

In the fun rally rules, each turning point has a 15 second window to cross over to attain zero penalty points with a mile wide gate to go through, and along the route around 13 photographs had to be recognised and located on the map.


Pilot’s Post – Krugersdorp Fun Rally 2016

Some of the photographs of landmarks that competitors were required to identify

The wind at altitude must have been 25 kts+, making flying accurately very challenging especially on the downwind legs, where flaps had to be deployed and slow flight skills came into play, zig-zagging turns along the course also required being careful not to attract track errors of turning more than 90 deg. Some of the photo recognition also a challenge as google earth pictures are used which look different to the real world, especially with the dry landscape out there, the lack of rain very evident. Returning to Krugersdorp the teams had to cope with the heavy crosswind and turbulence to land, many struggling to keep the aircraft straight along the narrow runway, everybody managed it without any incident.

Stephen Hartman and Martin Meyer finished in 4th place in the Pioneer 200 with 502 penalty points
Robert Bridges and Justin Meyers finished in 5th place in the Rockwell Commander with 512 penalty points
Johan and Michelle Nel finished 6th in a Jabiru with 537 penalty points
Gert Verbaan and Francois Tolmay finished 7th in a Beech V-35B with 869 penalty points
Grant and Irene Rousseau was placed 8th in a Cessna 175 with 1072 penalty points
Jakes Jacobs and Gerhard Niemand finished 9th in a Beech F-33A with 1080 penalty points
Wikus Kruger and Christo Roos was placed 11th in a Cessna 172 with 1180 penalty points
Mark Jackson and Edzard Veseput finished 12th in a Sling4 with 1200 penalty points

After all the scores were tallied, the prize-giving ceremony was held in the clubhouse hosted by John Addis, where the first three places and prizes went to Ron & Dusty Stirk in their C150 ZS-IWD who came 1st with a remarkable 43 points.

Winners Ron & Dusty Stirk competed in a Cessna 150

Rob Jonkers & Marie Reddy in a C182 ZS-IVC who came 2nd with 109 points

Rob Jonkers and Marie Ready competed in a Cessna 182a nd finished in second place

Peter & Celia Lastrucci in their C152 ZS-CAT who came 3rd with 270 points.

Celia And Peter Lastrucci competed in a Cessna 150 and finished in third place

This event was for sure enjoyed by all, most entrants never having flown a rally before, getting an understanding of flying with more precision, especially in the slower flight regime. Thanks are extended to Grant & Annatjie Rousseau for all the arrangements for the day.




Secunda Flying Club Fun Rally 2016

By Rob Jonkers and Willie Bodenstein

Source and pictures found at


The South African Power Flying Association (SAPFA) together with the Secunda Flying Club organised an extremely successful Navigation Fun Rally on Saturday 1st October 2016.

Jonty Esser and Christoff Le Grange

The Club’s hard work and dedication set the standard for all other rallies to follow. Under the Stewardship of SAPFA’s Jonty Esser who planned & plotted the course and training activities and together with Chistoff le Grange, the club’s Chairman, a total of 21 entrants were able to partake in the rally.

Early morning low level fog

If it were not for the early morning low level fog, there may have been more, as some aircraft had to turn back and wait it out, and some stayed at home. Inevitably, the planned 7 am briefing had to be delayed.

Ricardo de Bonis from Krugersdorp

Mike Brown from Vereeniging…………Karl Jensen from Fly In Estates

Archie Kemp from Vereeniging

The Secunda club invited other clubs in the region to partake as well with a best club prize also up for grabs. A number of EAA Chapter 322 flyers also attended for the scrumptious breakfast laid on by the club.



Participants getting down to serious business

Jonty arranged for a training session for all those who could attend on the Friday evening, so as to give guidance on how to plot and fly a rally.

Andre Roos and Gerhard Scheepers, Zenair Zodiac

Johan van Eerden & Cor Esterhuizen, Vans RV7A…Marthinus Kruger & Adriaan Joubert, Cessna 182

H & F Human, Cessna 182

Johan v Niekerk & Frikkie v Heerden, Carl Babst Raven….Gareth Williams & Ahwir Kallie, Bushbaby

Fred & Ruaan Greyling, Cirrus SR22

The first aircraft departed at around 10 am on a route that was mostly to the south towards Standerton area, and past the big Tutuka power station, where the unmistakable big runway was an easy turning point, with other turning points more difficult to spot, especially the dirt road junctions where the mielie fields lying fallow gave little colour contrast against the roads. In the fun rally rules, each turning point has a 15 second window to cross over to attain zero penalty points with a mile wide gate to go through, and along the route around 18 photographs had to be recognised and located on the map.

Harvard Display

At around 11.30 the take-offs were postponed by a half hour to accommodate a short air display by the Harvard display team in a 4-ship configuration in support of the rally onlookers as well as for a public fete a few hundred meters away.

As the second half of the field took to the air, the wind started to pick up from the west, with plenty of turbulence making flying accurately very challenging especially on the downwind legs, where the 20 kt or wind had to be compensated for by zig zagging and flap deployed slow flight configuration, and with one helicopter taking part, am sure they were much more able to slow down than the fixed wings, the fast and slippery Ravin most likely the most difficult to slow down.

Morne Pretorius & Christoff le Grange, Piper PA-28

Leon le Roux & Garth Williams, Sling2…JP Swartz & Jan-Hendrik Jabcobz, Cessna 182

Riaan Kamffer & Jaco Groenewald, Piper PA-28….Hannes van Heerden Bell 206

Bob Cohoe & Johan du Plessis, Citabria

After all the scores were tallied, the prize-giving ceremony was held outside the clubhouse.

The winners were Coetzee van der Merwe and Jantjie Randall finished with 214 penalty points. They unfortunately left before the prize giving ceremony.

Riaan Kamffer & Jaco Groenewald finished second with 421 penalty points

and Johan van Niekerk and Frikkie van Heerden third with 546 penalty points.

The Secunda Flying club walk away with the club prize.

There was only one advanced entry, that of Rob Jonkers and Martin Meyer. In the advanced rules participants are only allowed a 5 second window at each turning point instead of the a 15 second window to cross over to attain zero penalty points in the fun rally section.

Rob Jonkers & Martin Meyer finished with 123 penalty points

The main sponsors were TZO, U Rent, PWG Grain Merchants, Skysprayers Aviation Direct, Secunda Spring Fest and African Pilot.

This event was for sure enjoyed by all, most entrants never having flown a rally before, getting an understanding of flying with more precision, especially in the slower flight regime, as well as getting accuracy in landing within a few metres. We look forward to them organising a rally again next year.

by Rob Jonkers

The World Rally Flying Championship happens every two years and is hosted by one of the participating nations. This year Portugal hosted the 20th FAI World Rally Flying Championships in the coastal town of Santa Cruz some 50 km north of Lisbon.


This year, 52 crews from 18 nations participated, where South Africa was the only Southern Hemisphere team to take part. Team SA was represented by 4 crews in the Advanced Class: Frank & Cally Eckard, Hans Schwebel & Ron Stirk, Thys vd Merwe & Mary de Klerk, Rob Jonkers and Martin Meyer. Arddyn Moolman & Jacques Jacobs were included as International Judges.

Our team’s arrival was Monday the 29th August.  A full week before the championship, team SA are normally the first to arrive, as we need the most exposure to the European conditions and terrain as well as aircraft familiarization, as we need to hire local aircraft. By Tuesday late morning we had our aircraft allotted, a Spanish C172 EC-KGG and a Portuguese C150 CS-EBD, and could get airborne in the afternoon for a short recce navigation flight.


The organisers provided four official practice routes, and these were put to full use in the following days, where we were able to carry out the plot inside the aircraft as one would do in the competition week, giving us a good practice run-up.


The Portuguese landscape is essentially divided into two areas, coastal and inland, separated by a mountain range; although this mountain range is small in comparison, only around 2000 ft, it has a big influence on weather conditions and wind between them, with high wind conditions at the coast and less wind inland.


There are plenty of wind power turbines on this whole mountain range, and one has to be careful flying downwind behind the mountains where serious turbulence occurs.

Temperatures also varied from the cooler coastal conditions in the lower 20’s to the near 40’s inland, all of this within 100 km.

Before the fog rolled in on Friday afternoon, two of our teams had only flown two routes, and many of the other international teams  who had only arrived on Friday were not able to get in any practice.

Saturday also proved to be a no-flying day, and Sunday as always a no-flying day as the Opening Ceremony had

to take place.

As a compromise the organisers allowed Sunday flying, but the fog remained persistent and only lifted in the late morning, which once clear, aircraft set-off en mass to get in at least one practice route before the airfield closed in again.

Some aircraft could not return as the fog lay over the field in a thick blanket and they had to divert to an airfield 150 km away to wait out the weather. All this Atlantic generated fog was apparently due to a brewing mid Atlantic hurricane known as Gaston which had started to travel northwards – where normally such hurricanes move off westwards towards the Caribbean. Such is life in planning an aviation event where weather gets in the way.

It became a rush to get ready for the opening ceremony and the crowds descending on the airfield.  In the late afternoon the weather improved for some flying displays to take place – fly-pasts of F16’s and a YAK aerobatic display team.

For the competition week, flights are organized into two groups, flights start around 10 am at 3 minute intervals with the last flight taking off around 3pm, and when returning, two spot landings to be done.

Rob & Thys was divided into group one, and Frank and Hans were in group two.  There was a strict procedure of parking aircraft next to the grass runway in take-off sequence where crews were isolated prior to receiving papers, normally between 30-40 minutes before flight.

Crews were also quarantined without access to technology after flying to prevent information from being passed between competitors.


With the opening ceremony behind us, Monday the 5th September was the start of the competition, and the weather was predicted to be good for the rest of the week. And so it was at sunrise on Monday, guess what? –  fog…., and at the 8 am briefing the competition director delayed the start by an hour to 11 am.

Eventually, everybody was off on route Delta, a route mostly going out north remaining west of the mountains with good visibility and wind at least less than 15 kts. There was one fairly tight arc leg to be flown, which had some of the crews drifting off, incurring track errors. At least the end point was a large bridge crossing a river that everybody could home in on.

In the competition with 4 navigation flights, the first day is normally discarded as a practice flight as everybody is still getting used to the environment, and given the results of team SA for this first flight, we sure wanted to have this first flight in the bin.


The next day Tuesday was a real good weather day and the teams all got off onto route Alpha, this route again mostly north and west of the mountains, with a horrible arc to be flown over very hilly terrain where towns defined on the map had less definition in real life where one could not discern where the boundaries were easily.


Needless to say this was a tough route. Many of the photo recognition pictures were of orange roofed buildings, and guess what, the whole of Portugal consists of orange roofed buildings…, thus locating and recognizing these ground features not simple.












On Wednesday we woke up to thick fog, and by the look of it was not going to dissipate, thus at the briefing it was decided based on the forecast that only a small 4 hour flying window would be available, thus the competition director made the call that only the Unlimited Class would fly, which left our whole team flying Advanced no opportunity to fly, and bringing into play the Monday Practice flight into the scoring. We took advantage of the foggy day to go out on a sightseeing outing to the Peniche peninsula north of Santa Cruz and visit the castle in the town of Obidos.

Thursday was a clear day at least but the wind was pumping around 20kts, thus the competition director declared a wind compensation factor to the route (applied for wind over 15kts), and we all set off on route Charlie which went out mostly east and across the mountains to the big river flowing to Lisbon.

Taking up compass headings was impossible with this strong wind, so one had to strictly follow map features to keep track, and turbulence in the lee of the mountains was very violent, making concentrating on flying & navigating challenging. In any event this route proved to give our team the best result of all, so I guess we were just getting in the groove of the area.



With the competition flights done, team SA organized the traditional international drinks evening at the field, making “melk tertjies” shooters with the Germans, Italians, Russians, Norwegians bringing their traditional hooch. Needless to say, good fun was had by all.

Friday was packing up day and the closing ceremony and prize giving held at the Portuguese Air Force Museum in the town of Sintra somewhat south of Santa Cruz. Team SA was awarded 2nd place in Advanced class for navigation (Germany was 1st and Russia 3rd), and also awarded joint 2nd place for the landing event together with Poland. (Poland also came first).

Our team stars were Frank & Cally Eckard who were placed 8th in the navigation competition, and Hans Schwebel & Ron Stirk doing us proud in the landings by achieving 2nd place.

Even with the overall challenging conditions and lack of practice, team SA still managed an excellent result, the best in years. The next event will be held in 2 years’ time in Slovakia.

For those who have adventure in their blood, where you can sit in an airplane ready to go anywhere without a clue where the route will take you, and figure it all out in the air and find your way around with only a map and eye-ball Mk1, then take up the challenge and join the sport of rally flying.


Hoedspruit Fun Rally

By Cally Eckard

Wynand Uys from Hoedspruit Flying Club, has been in communication with Frank Eckard for three years, arranging this event, and finally the weather and dates coincided.  Eleven teams registered, two of them from Tzaneen  and one from Krugersdorp.  The remainder were resident pilots, and it is clear from the good results that Wynand’s training in rally flying has stood them in good stead.  Other clubs holding rallies should watch out when one of these teams compete.

The Competitors

The weather was perfect on the ground, with a 10 knot wind creating some challenges after take-off.  When not focussing on the rally, the competitors were treated to some of the most beautiful scenery in our country, against a backdrop of the Blyde River Canyon.

Bruce McDonald and Hoedspruit Flying Club hosted a braai and prize-giving after the competition in Bruce’s hangar which is fully equipped for the purpose, with a deck and a view of the mountains.

Two of the teams, both from Hoedspruit, scored zero for navigation, which is a superb result.  They were Uys van Rensburg, Barry van der Merwe and Don Scott, Joe Meyer.

Third Place Don Scott with Frank and Wynand                   

Third Place Don Scott with Frank and Wynand                                                                                  Second Place Uys van Rensburg with Frank and Wynand

First Place Martin den Dunnen with Frank and Wynand

First Place Martin den Dunnen with Frank and Wynand

Martin den Dunnen won the spot landing competition and a cash sum of R1000 sponsored by Deon Grové of Flag Steel, Acornhoek.
A prize of 100 litres of Avgas was donated by Wynand Uys to the first-placed team, and bottles of wine donated by Sun Catchers Hot Air Ballooning to second and third-placed teams.

The top 5 results were as follows:

Position Pilot Navigator Aircraft Total Score
1 Martin den Dunnen Jaco Scheepers Cessna 206 152
2 Uys van Rensburg Barry vd Merwe Jabiru 4 234
3 Don Scott Joe Meyer Cessna 172 265
4 Wynand Uys Philip Uys Jabiru 4 344
5 Neil Marx Edrean Ernst Cessna 172 372


We are hoping to make this an annual event – so look out for dates next year and mark it on your calendar so you don’t miss it.