Articles Rally (Page 7)

Brits Airfield welcomed 35 airplanes on Saturday 13 November to celebrate the Peter Hengst Memorial Day. Peter was a loyal and active member of Brits Flying Club for many years, and the project is held annually in his honour. His wife, Crystal, was present, preparing breakfast and coffee for all the visitors.

The EAA and SAPFA members braved the heat to spend some time together and swap flying anecdotes.

SAPFA took the opportunity to hold a “Fun Precision Flying Competition”. 17 pilots took part, many of them contenders for National Precision Flying Championships which are scheduled for the end of November, also in Brits.

Hans Schwebel, chairman of Brits Flying Club, long-time Rally and Precision pilot, and the newly instated Vice President of the GAC (General Aviation Commission) of the FAI, put together a route that was both challenging and enjoyable. The normally rigid rules of Precision were relaxed slightly for the day, to enable pilots to adjust their skills from Rally Flying to Precision Flying. SAPFA are also trying to encourage more Rally pilots to attempt Precision, in order to expand the field available for National selection, and to improve South Africa’s chances next year at The World Championships.

Frank Eckard won first place, with up-and-coming Jonty Esser hot on his heels. Ron Stirk from Brits was placed third, and Rob Kennedy fourth. Congratulations to all the pilots who attempted Precision Flying for the first time.
Mike Cathro came first in the Sportsman class, with Keith Irwin second, Wynand Uys third and Rob Jonkers fourth.

Thanks to Brits Flying Club for hosting the event, to Hans for preparing the route, to Crystal and Ursula for preparing the delicious breakfast, and to Nella for running the club.

Brits Flying Club has generously offered to host the World Precision Flying Championships in October 2011, and if Saturday’s event is anything to go by, then our local and overseas visitors are in for a treat.


2010 Brits Fun Precision Rally 13 th November 2010
Pos. Reg Pilot Theory Mkrs Flight Photo Other Landings Total
1 MOC Frank Eckard 0 0 474 40 0 0 514
2 EYS Jonty Esser 0 0 588 40 0 0 628
3 IWD Ron Stirk 0 0 598 80 0 0 678
4 FHD Rob Kennedy 0 0 696 100 0 0 796
5 KNH Adrian Pilling 0 0 947 60 0 0 1007
6 CNZ Walter Walle 0 0 1037 40 0 0 1077
7 FDK Jan Hanekom 0 0 1303 40 0 0 1343
8 CNZ Steve van der Merwe 0 0 1690 100 0 0 1790
Pos. Reg Pilot Theory Mkrs Flight Photo Other Landings Total
1 CHJ Mike Cathro 0 0 762 40 0 0 802
2 EYS Keith Irwin 0 0 980 80 0 0 1060
3 ESO Wynand Uys 0 0 1314 140 0 0 1454
4 KEZ Rob Jonkers 0 0 1895 140 0 0 2035
5 DED Telly Thomas 0 0 1944 120 0 0 2064
6 FLF Ralph Hurwitz 0 0 1946 140 0 0 2086
7 IFY John Shaw 0 0 2109 100 0 0 2209
8 DED Senio Do Pereiro 0 0 2300 140 0 0 2440
9 FDK Alan Wesson 0 0 2218 320 0 0 2538
10 UFO Ben van Zyl 0 0 2500 320 0 0 2820
11 IRL Sean Murphy 0 0 2500 320 0 0 2820


Jonty Esser - Competition Director
Jonty Esser – Competition Director
By Jonty Esser

On the 18th of September 2010 a fun filled flying competition took place at Pietersburg Civil Airport, with competitors coming from as far as Gauteng and Hoedspruit.

These fun rallies are hosted by SAPFA (South African Powered Flight Association) and are held monthly at different venues. These fun rallies has been an innovative and genius format derived from the FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale – The World Air Sports Federation) rally rules by SAPFA members, to introduce the sport to keen aviators, making it not only fun but competitive also focusing on enhancing pilot skills and constantly recruiting Pilots for the National team to compete in the World Championships.

The day started with the formalities of the highly important and comprehensive safety briefing presented by the safety officer of the day Mr. Leon de Villiers, followed by the Pilot’s and Navigator briefings presented by our Local Springbok, National Team member and Competition Director for this rally, Mr. Jonty Esser.

The navigators and pilots received their clue sheets and necessary blank maps, and immediately set off to work as the first take off was to be at exactly 11:00:00. Many of the competitors were first time rally pilots and navigators so help was at hand from the Competition Director. The route was setup to ease the new teams in up until check point 5 thereafter the degree of difficulty was increased. The route took the competitors from Pietersburg Civil Airport to Dalmada, then onto the University of the North from there out to the north then back to the Steven Lumber Mills, then back out to the Ebenezer Dam Wall, there after the climb for the Highest point in the Wolkberg Reserve flying down the mountain range to Chuniespoort and back to Pietersburg Civil Airport.

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By Cally Eckard
Grand Central, with its olde-worlde air and historic significance was a perfect location for a rally designed to fly over some of our rich and famous locations. From Nelson Mandela Bridge to Soccer City, over luscious golf courses, and from townships of Soweto to Sandton City, the teams thoroughly enjoyed the sights of Jo’burg while also concentrating on timing, navigation and safety.

For the first time, we held a briefing on the Wednesday evening before the rally. Most of the pilots attended, and many of them achieved really good results. This briefing was really helpful, as maps and instructions were handed out, and we all “flew” the route together on Google Earth, finding most of the photographs, and identifying features which helped the teams to fly the route more accurately during the rally.

The fifteen teams included two helicopters, which were of great interest to everyone, spawning arguments over whether rally flying in a helicopter would be an advantage or not.

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Saturday 5th June dawned and brought with it wall to wall blue skies – perfect weather to jump in an aery and take to the skies. The challenge was on for the SA Rally Flying team to challenge the Fun Rally pilots and any Airline Pilots brave enough to tackle the plot and convert it into a route. Nico Brandt, from Tedderfield Airpark hosted the event at their fabulous clubhouse. From early the aeries started to fly in from various local airfields as well as from all over the country including Durban, Polokwane and Hoedspruit.

Scores of brand new Young Eagles from various schools in the area also started to arrive, eager to learn a bit more about the opportunity to pursue a career in aviation, and enjoy their first free flight. Jayson and Nicky van Schalkwyk took them under their wings and put them through their paces. They enjoyed a day filled with aviation input and this was topped with a flight around Soccer City and back to Tedderfield by Chris Bailes, Nico Brandt, Laszlo Liszkay and the inimitable Captain Karl Jensen. Also attending the event were representatives from Youth in Action South Africa.

The Rally challenge saw 16 teams cross the start and finish line. Six of the teams comprised the recently selected Proteas who were flying in the Open Class Section, and the balance were the Fun Rally and Airline pilots.

The route was set by Tony Russell, the current SA Team Manager and covered a distance of 120nm. Mary de Klerk did her usual prebrief on “How to Fly a Fun Rally” and took the new and old teams through a detailed step by step account of how to prepare the maps and how to fly the route, while Frank Eckard arranged the start lists and take off times.

The route itself, was nothing short of challenging – even to the seasoned Proteas, and this was not made easier by the fact that a gremlin crept into the scoring system and caused the participants to have to fly a 5 minute leg in 9 minutes. For a first timer, this proved to be quite disconcerting, but everyone managed to get through the glitch and continue through to the finish.

The Proteas flew to Open Class standard whilst the rest of the field flew to Sportsmans Class Standard. The original objective was for the Proteas to challenge the Airline Pilots, but only one brave Airline Pilot showed up and the results proved most interesting. He was Snr Captain Thys van der Merwe from SAA, who with his talented pilot, Rob Jonkers, in a C172, cruised into first position in the Sportsmans Class and beating some Proteas into 4th position overall… outstanding achievement for a first timer!

Full results are attached below.

EVENT Tedderfield Challenge
DATE 05-Jun-10 PLACE Tedderfield
1 12 Rob Jonkers Thys van der Merwe C172 ZS-KEZ 300 768 0 0 2 55 1068 fun
2 8 Telly Thomas Stan Shroeder Piper 235 ZS DED 420 782 0 0 17 185 1202 fun
3 14 Ralph Hurwitz Neil Promnick Jabiru ZU-FLF 360 1064 200 0 98 104 1624 fun
4 7 PJ Steenkamp B Gartland PA32R-301T ZS-OWY 310 1551 0 0 120 30 1861 fun
5 11 Savas Nicolaides Stojan Korda C172 ZS-PMW 260 1656 0 0 10 200 1916 fun
6 16 Peter Thomson Marcus Carter KP5 Sabre ZU-EMF 580 1911 0 0 136 358 2491 fun
7 9 Phil wakeley Scott wakeley C182 ZS-LLH 430 2072 0 0 94 234 2502 fun
8 13 Wynand Uys Rowena Kraidy Jabiru 430 ZU ESO 490 2016 0 0 46 206 2506 fun
9 15 Howard Betts Sam Blake Sabre ZU-EMG 1450 1685 0 0 25 224 3135 fun
10 10 Chris Shaw Brandon C177 ZS-IFY 700 2437 0 0 457 185 3137
1 2 Barry de Groot Mary de Klerk C172 ZU AFP 450 120 0 0 6 0 570 open
2 3 Hans Schwebel Ron Stirk C-172 ZS-CNZ 300 313 0 0 54 15 613 open
3 4 Jonty Esser Sandi Goddard C150 ZS-WJX 400 250 0 0 11 119 650 open
4 6 Frank Eckard Cally Eckard C172 ZS-MOC 570 621 0 0 13 84 1191 open
5 5 Rob Kennedy Wikus Kritzinger C172 ZS-SPS 900 1319 0 0 83 100 2219 open
6 1 Emmie Oelofse Andrew Lane Dynaero ZU-DTB 1000 2114 0 0 87 354 3114 open


Competitors & Organisers

The SA Rally Flying Championships took place from 8 – 10 April at Aviators Paradise in the North West Province.

The event was generously sponsored to the tune of R20,000 by BRITS FLIGHT TRAINING CENTRE, and R15,000 by AFRICAN OUTDOOR GROUP.

Piet Smith, CEO of BFTC, provided all the food and hospitality in the Clubhouse at the airfield as well as 1000L of fuel for all participating aircraft. BFTC offers flight training from PPL to Commercial Licences in Technams. As the only school on the airfield, and operating in uncontrolled airspace, they enjoy virtual freedom of the skies and can maximize the student’s time on the ground and in the air.

Derick Lategan from the AFRICAN OUTDOOR GROUP provided stunning tented accommodation for all teams at the nearby De Rust Training Centre at Hartbeespoort Dam. AOG also hosted a braai for all participants on the Friday evening, as well as the Gala Awards Dinner together with a Live Band on the Saturday Evening.

The Competition was ably directed by Tony Russell from Cape Town with route planning by Deon Van den Berg. Jacques Jacobs once again handled all the Ground marshals.

The Competition allowed for both Open and Sportmans (Fun) Class entries.

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The plan was set to hold the initial Rally briefing on Friday evening before the DWC sponsored Braai, then to arrive at 07H30 on Saturday morning for a pilot safety briefing, final route briefing, map preparation and then commence with the competition from 10H00. I love it when a plan comes together flawlessly, and this one indeed did…. The African Outdoor Group generously sent their fantastic new “Rig” all the way from Jhb to Dbn with the AOG crew. It arrived minutes before the 18H00 Briefing and was quickly reversed into place on the grass verge in front of the pool just off the taxi way. Within minutes, the scene was set for the weekend with the chairs and tables and umbrellas all laid out. About 50 people attended the initial Rally briefing during which Mary de Kelrck gave a presentation on what Rally Flying is all about, and for the first timers, what to expect. 19 Crews registered and before long we were all enjoying the hospitality of the Durban Wings Club around the pool. At 08H00 on Saturday a full Safety Briefing was given by Fred Bebington. This was followed by an ATC briefing from Didier. The Durban North Coast traffic can be quite busy and strict separation procedures have to be adhered to. By 08H30 the organisers were running the eager teams through the map preparation and route instructions.

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Another fantastic Aviation event notched up this past weekend at Klerksdorp. The entire weekend was run under the auspices of the EAA Sun & Fun convention under the directorship of Cliff Lotter and his team, Len du Preez and Piesang Myburgh.

Despite the threatening weather and isolated thunderstorms, 98 aircraft out of the expected 150 aircraft arrived. The AOG rig was set up close to the club house and the scene was set for a successful weekend of aviating.

Brian Emmenis of Capital Sounds entertained the crowds while Karl Jensen showcased various aery’s on the “block”. No less than 21 brand new keen Young Eagles arrived from 7 different schools in the area. They were supervised by Jason van Schalkwyk and enjoyed a day filled with experiencing the thrill of their first real flight with the Young Eagle Volunteer Pilots.

The Klerksdorp Flying Club proved to be very hospitable hosts, providing fabulous food with live music and dancing on both nights.

Then the Fun Rally….. 14 aircraft participated and although the start was delayed to avoid some storm cells, the first few competitors still had to cut short on a few legs to avoid tangling the weather – good call guys! Unfortunately for the early starters, the second half of the field all managed to get through, so no legs were scratched.

The final results were:
1st Position : Rob Kennedy (Pilot) Wikus Kritzinger (Navigator) in ZU FHD
2nd Position : Johnnie Smith (Pilot) Christiaan Le Grange (Navigator) ZS AXX
3rd Position : Derick Lategan (Pilot) Francois van Eeden (Navigator) ZS CBO

African Outdoor Group

Rand Challenge participants
This weekend heralded the start of what is going to be an amazing year in Sport Flying in South Africa. The Rand Airport Challenge was held at Rand Airport under the direction of SAPFA committee members Frank Eckard and Mary de Klerk. Despite the threatening weather, 16 aircraft managed to participate in what turned out to be a rather challenging event. The event has been held every January for the past six years. Each year we have received very generous sponsorship from AFOS, Karcher, AVIMap, and African Pilot. This year African Outdoor Group also provided wonderful prizes, so at least half of the field went home with something special ranging from cash, to high pressure cleaners, Avimaps, African Pilot Subscriptions and various other aviation related goodies.

No less than 11 Check Points were included in the 120nm route, and this incorporated an away landing at Vereeniging, plus some interesting flying following tracks of railway lines and rivers. Storm cells dotted the landscape and depending on the take off time, forced a few crews to deviate off course in order to remain on the safe side of the wx……wise move…. as they will be here to participate in the next event. Unfortunately when some teams get through the sticky patches after the storm cell has moved on, other teams are penalized – the nature of the sport.

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Competitors and Young Eagles at Springs
Competitors and Young Eagles at Springs
Springs Flying Club hosted the last of the year’s series of Fun Rallies. Nineteen entries were received for this event – the final one of the year following a series of successful similar events held at various venues the past twelve months.

The Fun Rally pilots started arriving from as early as 06h30 and on arrival were greeted with a full breakfast sponsored by the East Rand Flying Club. No less than 24 aircraft entered the Rally, but after sifting through the weather and other technical aircraft issues the final field was whittled down to eighteen competing crews and one unofficial entry from current Protea pilots, Hans and Ron.

For once the weather played along and although rain was forecast the day was a typical hot Highveld summer’s day. The wind was rather strong in the morning.

The route saw them take off on 03 and follow a 90 nautical mile anticlockwise path towards Leandra, then up north towards Witbank and then back to Springs via North of Delmas.

Jonty Esser and Sandy Goddard from Polokwane (who finished second in the Open Class in the Yuma at the SA National Championships) were the eventual winners followed by Robert Gassmann and Antony McBride in the futuristic Tanarg Trike with Hendrik and Adele Loots in third place in the striking Apollo Delta Jet Trike. Jonty and Sandi finished with an impressive 56 penalties (50 of which were for a single incorrectly identified picture).

The event was combined with the EAA and 14 young aspiring eagles attending the event. They spent the day assisting Frank and Mary with the Rally and were then whisked away into the air with their respective YOUNG EAGLES PILOTS. Lofty from SAMAA entertained them with Model Aircraft building and at the end of a hot exhausting day, the fourteen young people left the airfield feeling as though they has enjoyed a life changing experience.

The next Rally will take place at Rand Airport in February 2010.

The podium:

1st Pos Jonty Essar/Sandi Goddard
2nd Pos Robert Gassmann/Antony Mc Bride
3rd Pos Hendrik Loots/Adele Loots

Full results are attached below.


Fun Rally BriefingFun Rally Briefing Springs - 2nd CrewSprings – 2nd Crew Springs Fun Rally -1Springs Fun Rally -1
Springs Fun Rally - 2Springs Fun Rally – 2 Springs Fun Rally - 3Springs Fun Rally – 3 Springs Fun Rally - 4Springs Fun Rally – 4
Springs Fun Rally - 5Springs Fun Rally – 5 Springs Fun Rally - 6Springs Fun Rally – 6 Springs Fun Rally - 7Springs Fun Rally – 7
Springs Fun Rally - 8Springs Fun Rally – 8 Springs Fun Rally - 9Springs Fun Rally – 9

EVENT Springs Fun Rally
DATE 05-Dec-09 PLACE Springs
1 20 Hans Schewbel Ron Stirk C150 0 11 11
1 4 Jonty Esser Sandi Goddard Yuma 50 6 56
2 22 Robert Gassmann Antony McBride ZU-TAN 80 96 176
3 28 Hendrik Loots Adele Loots ZU-FDE 170 130 300
4 27 Phil wakeley Scott wakeley C182 280 244 524
5 13 Dellend Erasmus Johan Goosen Jabiru 290 360 650
6 23 Telly Thomas Senio de Pereiro PA28-235 420 339 759
7 26 Andrew Lane Hugh Lane ? 440 582 1022
8 18 S Schbotz G. Mephius PA28-180 520 580 1100
9 19 Rohan Lange Marnus Piper Warroir 161 470 660 1130
10 9 Emmie Oelofse Andrew Lane Dynaero 440 693 1133
11 15 Mark Drutman Freek Stegman C172 Hawk Xp 540 610 1150
12 16 sean murphy gary renault c172 340 890 1230
13 11 Ralph Hurwitz Brian Appleton Jab430 440 806 1246
14 25 Vindette Rahn Stan Schroeder Piper 280 1232 1512
15 24 Anton Wheeler Hylton Ackerman C 185 600 1647 2247
16 5 F J Benade Esmond Erasmus Piper Arrow 11 950 1306 2256
17 12 Savas Nicolaides Stojan Korda C172 510 1776 2286
18 21 Anthony Gordon Kevin Reeves Tecnam P2004 Bravo 800 1739 2539

Parys 5 – 7 November 2009

By Mary de Klerk

Mary de Klerk & Barry de Groot

The South African National Rally Championships were held from 5 – 7 Nov in Parys. Twelve teams entered, six in the Sportsmans Class and six in the Open Class. The Open Teams consisted of four good old stalwarts being Barry de Groot, Mary de Klerk, Ron Stirk & Walter Walle and four teams made up of guys that have only flown Fun Rallies for a year and who decided that it was time to upgrade to the real thing. They were Jonty Esser and his partner Sandi Goddard, Rob Kennedy and his partner Wikus Kritzinger, and Emmie Oelofse and her partner Andrew Lane.

These 3 new teams were quickly brought up to speed with the Open Class Plotting requirements in a few Classroom sessions held by Mary prior to the event. This training stood them all in very good stead during the competition and all sailed through the plots with ease and confidence.

All Teams were welcomed by Wynn Dedwith and his wife Tacye in their cottage on the Vaal River and in their beautiful home in Parys.

The Competition Director, Frank Eckard, worked tirelessly for weeks to plan and produce the routes with his normal military precision.

Day 1 dawned and brought with it a very challenging route which was not made any easier by the strong westerlies. There was also much murmuring about confusion in the plot because 2 roads were marked N1…..Results after day 1 were:
#1 Barry de Groot Mary de Klerk
#2 Walter Walle Ron Stirk
#3 Jonty Esser Sandi Goddard
#4 Rob Kennedy Wikus Kritzinger
#5 Emmie Oelofse Andrew Lane

Scores were close between the 2nd and the 5th position so the competition screws tightened on Day 2. Again the wind was not on their side. Other challenging factors for some of the teams were the choice of aitcraft. Rob was flying an RV7 and Emmie her Dyn Aero. Neither of these aircraft are suitable for Rally Flying for two reasons – Low wing and Too Fast. Whilst there was nothing they could do to alter the wing structure, they both reduced their speed on Day 2 and both improved their performances enormously.

Day 2 also brought with it some new faces and 6 teams arrived to fly Sportsman’s Rally which is in essence exactly the same route as Open Class, but it is pre-plotted on the ground and flown with sequential photos as opposed to random.

The Final Results for the competition were:
#1 Barry de Groot Mary de Klerk
#2 Jonty Esser Sandi Goddard
#3 Walter Walle Ron Stirk
#4 Rob Kennedy Wikus Kritzinger
#5 Emmie Oelofse Andrew Lane

#1 Kobus Kotze Frank Smook
#2 Ralph Hurwitz David Stein
#3 Roger Bazolli Freek Stegman
#4 Corno Badenhorst Ronsard Lazare
#5 Rick Barnardie Esmond Erasmus
#6 John Shaw Chris Shaw

Prize Giving was held in the clubhouse and by 15H00 the last aircraft had flown back to base to avoid the nasty weather that was approaching.

This 2009 SA Rally Flying Championship results will count towards the SA Team selection to attend the World Rally Flying Championships in Slovakia in August 2010. The final selection will take place at the next SA Rally Flying Championships to be held in April 2010.

Attachment Size
Open Results 30 KB
Fun Results 28.5 KB