Awards (Page 2)

S A Eagle Trophy for Most Meritorious Achievement at an International Event

2003 World Rally Flying Team


For their outstanding achievement of obtaining 1st place overall in the 13th World Rally Flying Championships held in July in Pilansberg/Rustenburg and thereby winning gold for South Africa.

They are:
Pilot Nigel Hopkins, Navigator Dale De Klerk, Pilot Adrian Pilling, Navigator Renier Moolman and Team Manager Paul Barter.

Nigel Hopkins, Dale de Klerk, Renier Moolman & Adrian Pilling
Nigel Hopkins & Dale de Klerk


Aero Club of South Africa – Gold Wings

Chris Booysen

For his outstanding work as treasurer for SAPFA for many years as well as his commitment and hard work before and during the 13th World Rally Flying Championships in his capacity as treasurer of the event.

Chris has been involved in general aviation since he learned to fly in 1989 in an honorary capacity. He has been the treasurer and chairman of the Algoa Flying Club and SAPFA. He is also involved in a number of aviation based charities.

Chris is well known as someone who will fight for SAPFA’s rights, what ever it takes.

For his commitment to competitive aviation in his capacity as scorer for the President’s Trophy Air Race over a number of years.

Dirk de Vos joind Unisys (foremerly Burroughs Computers) in 1984 in Bloemfontein after spending sis years in the SA Air Force. His my manager at the time, got him involved in car rallies, both in marshalling and scoring. The organiser of most of these rallies got hime involved in scoring an inter-provincial air rally towards the end of 1989 and, a few months later, an inter-provincial precision event, both held in Bloemfontein.

This then led to the scoring of the Air Race in 1990. At that time the scoring system was run in Lotus 123, developed by Danie du Plessis in Lotus 123. Dirk decided to run the system on a Unisys CTOS system running PC emulator both for the speed and the extra functionality provided by CTOS. There were a large number of problems which he managed to fix.

Dirk thought that scoring for the Air Race was going to be for one event only but somehow he inherited the job permanently. Dirk has acted as scorer for all Air Races since that year.

In 1991 Dirk decided to decided to write his own scoring system. Being a technician and not a programmer, this task kept him busy deep into the night virtually every night for six weeks as he had to learn to use the development software used to write the scoring system and, at the same time, develop the system as well.

Over the years Dirk has developed the system and has introduced an interface with Windows directly by adding the functionality to write out the results and awards directly into HTML format.
Dirk has also remained involved in the scoring of other rally flying and precision events, including the World Rally Flying Championships held in 2003.

For the promotion of Sport Flying over a long period of time.

As far back in 1980’s Oom Doep has been involved in organising and assisting at flying events both locally at the Bloemfontein Flying Club as well as Nationally. He was involved with organising, marshalling, photographing and scoring at rally flying events. He acted as a starter of the World Rally Flying Championships held in Stellenbosch in 1991. He was also involved with arranging events which combined aircraft with the vintage car club.

Oom Doep du Plessis took part in his first Air Race in 1968 and was a participant for approximately 13 years. After flying his last race he decided to give something back and acted as a marshall for the Race. Together with Oom Doors Fonternel he has acted as starter for the Air Race since 1989. Air Race participants will long remember these gentlemen giving their demonstration of the start lights at the briefings for the Air Race and then sitting at the start (as pictured below). After acting as official starters for many years they decided to “retire” after the 2002 Air Race

Oom Doep (together with Kassie Kasselman) organised the 1989 Air Race and was involved with the development of the Air Race rules. It was one of his achievements to remove jet and turbo-prop aircraft from the Race.

Oom Doep du Plessis allowed his license to lapse in 2001. By that time he had accumulated approximately 4000 hours.

Piet van Wyk (alias Piet Veer, alias Piet Vlieg en deesdae Piet Bike) het in 1984 begin ek deelneem aan die Staats Presidents Wedvlug op Bethelehem met sy Piper Archer. Die gogga het hom behoorlik gebyt en hy het in all die wedvlugte tot 1988.

In 1989 het Piet n Turbo Arrow aangeskaf en het besluit om nie deel te neem nie want die voorgee-spoed was te sleg. Hy het gaan rapporteer by Vic Kaiser in Margate en het aangebied om te “Marshall”. Piet het elke jaar van 1989 as Marshall agter die rug en het dus het, na die 2004 wedflug, 17 agtereenvolgende jare as Marshall agter die rug en 21 agtereenvolgende jare as Marshall en deelnemer saam.

For the promotion of Sport Flying over a long period of time.

As far back in 1980’s Oom Doors has been involved in organising and assisting at flying events both locally at the Bloemfontein Flying Club as well as Nationally. He was involved with organising, marshalling and scoring at rally flying events. He acted as a starter of the World Rally Flying Championships held in Stellenbosch in 1991.

Oom Doors Fonternel joined the SAAF student pilot scheme in 1948. He would have started flying in 1949 but the SAAF found he had changed his degree direction from BSc to medicine. They then dropped him as they thought his talents should be used in a hospital (not a cockpit) in times of trouble. Only in the late 1970’s could he afford to learn to fly and he obtained his PPL then.

Together with Oom Doep du Plessis he has acted as starter for the Air Race since 1989. Air Race participants will long remember these gentlemen giving their demonstration of the start lights at the briefings for the Air Race and then sitting at the start (as pictured below). After acting as official starters for many years they decided to “retire” after the 2002 Air Race

During 1990 Oom Doors bought the remains of a DeHaviland Chipmunk that used to belong to the Lourenco Marques Flying Club. This project was completed in 1994. Oom Doors Fonternel has allowed his license to lapse as he believed that it was time to stop after so many active years in aviation.

For his outstanding promotion of Sport Flying (Precision and Rally flying) in South Africa over a long period of time. He has been participating at Provincial and National level for at least eight years and Internationally for the last five years.

He is a past Chairman of SAPFA, past Chairman of the Brits Flying Club and current delegate to the General Aviation Commission of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale for South Africa. He is currently on the Executive Board of the Aero Club of South Africa.