Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Entry Details When: Friday and Saturday 23 & 24 May 2025 Where: Bona Bona Airfield, North West Province Early bird entry fees are now closed. Standard entry fees are R 6 000 and close on 30 April 2025. Entries are limited to 40 aircraft. Entries will close on 30 April 2025 at 17:00 or once the entry cap has been reached, whichever comes first. Pilot InformationName Pilot *FirstLastEmail Pilot *Pilot Cell Number *Age (as at 23 May 2025) *Number of PTAR's completed (pilot) *Shirt Size (pilot) *Number of hours as PIC *Navigator InformationName Navigator *FirstLastEmail Navigator *Navigator Cell Number *Age (as at 23 May 2025) *Number of PTAR's completed (navigator) *Shirt Size (navigator) *Aircraft InformationAircraft Type *Aircraft Registration *Please select any that are applicable to your aircraftAmateur builtTurbochargedModifications since previous PTARModifications to certified aircraftPlease describe any modifications e.g. change/upgrade of engine, new propellor, etcPlease describe any navigation aids in your aircraft e.g. G1000, Dynon D3, etc *Crew InformationPreferred Race No (if available) *Home Airfield/ Club *Province *Entry ConditionsPlease note that 2025 SAPFA membership and FAI Licences are compulsory for both pilot and navigator at the PTAR. To renew your memberships, please go to participating aircraft are required to hold mandatory 3rd party insurance. Please request a confirmation letter from your insurance broker. Please note that copies of your valid 2025 Aeroclub, SAPFA & FAI memberships, insurance confirmation letter and proof of payment must be submitted via email to If these are not received, your entry will be removed from the system and allocated to the next entry on the waiting list. Entries must be accepted by the Competition Director before they are regarded as valid. The South African Power Flying Association reserves the right to reject any entry and to disqualify or bar any individual from the event.By entering this event, I agree to the race rules and entry conditions *I agreeSpec RequestsSubmit 2023-02-17