Official Representation

The Aero Club of South Africa is the official representative for sport and recreational aviation in South Africa. The Aero Club has representation on various regulatory bodies the most important of which is the Civil Aviation Regulations Committee (CARCom) and the National Airspace Committee (NASCOM). SAPFA assists the Aero Club in raising objections against proposals that adversely affect recreational aviation. SAPFA also represents its members when making representations to other Governmental organisations and businesses on issues that affect them.
Are you aware of an issue affecting aviation in South Africa? Report it to Aviation Watch South Africa (AWSA) by completing a AWSA Report.This report will be distributed to all interested parties that have registered with AWSA.
Part 61
The South African Civil Aviation Authority has issued a document with the proposed Draft Part 61 (to Part61.8) SAPFA has submitted comment to this document
The Gazette Containing Part 61 (Air crew licensing) and Part 136 (Balooning) can be downloaded Here1.46meg. Alternatively email us and we will mail you a copy.
Discussion Paper issued by CAA on the use of NTCAs
The South African Civil Aviation Authority has issued a discussion paper on the future use of Non-Type Certified Aircraft (NTCA). This discussion paper proposes drastic changes to the use of NTCAs. SAPFA is co-ordinating a response to this document.
New ATNS fee structure from 1 April 2005
ATNS has released details of its new fee structure that will come into effect on 1 April 2005. To summarise the structure provides for an Aerodrome fee for departing from an ACSA airport, a TMA fee for every TMA that you fly in or through and an Area fee which is based on the distance you fly. Each fee is based mainly on the weight of the aircraft.
Aircraft below 1200kg are exempt except for flying in the CT, Dbn and Jhb TMAs.
The fees for aircraft over 1 200 kg are enormous. For example the fee for a single flight from PE via BLV to Lanseria in an aircraft weighing 1725kg (a C210) will be R365.90. Full details of the fees are on the ATNS web site.
For further developments on this issue – see Aviation Watch South Africa SAPFA and other industry actions will be recorded there.
Flying in the Hartebeespoort Dam Area
After an incident at Pelindaba there was a perceived terrorism threat posed by aviation to the nuclear installation there. The South African Nuclear Energy Corporation now wanted to promulgate legislation to declare a no-fly zone over this and other facilities. After discussion the applicant was informed that the concept of no-fly zones is not acceptable but that they could work within the existing definitions of Prohibited or Restricted airspace. A Prohibited area up to 6 500 ft has been instituted.
Overflight Minima over National Parks and World Heritage Sites
During the year a draft bill on National Protected Areas was published in the Government Gazette in which it was suggested to raise the minimum over-flight height over National Parks and World Heritage Sites from 1 500 ft above ground level to 1km over the highest point of the particular area. This would effectively put an end to recreational flying in the Drakensburg area as the highest point would be in excess of 10 000 ft. Once again the Aero Club of South Africa was successful in persuading the CAA and NASCOM to take its rightful place and defend our position.
FIR sector boundaries on Aeronautical Charts
Currently FIR sector boundaries are not depicted on aeronautical charts. ATC do however require pilots to report at these boundaries as Air Traffic Control is still organised on a sector basis. It would be helpful for the sector boundaries to be depicted on aeronautical charts SAPFA is currently in negotiation with CAA to have this done. No change has yet been agreed.
WGS84 position of airfields
CAA issued a notification to all licensed airfield owners that they are obliged to provide the new airfield position using the WGS84 datum. Their requirement was that this position be calculated and certified by a qualified land surveyor.
Airfield owners found that the fee for this requirement would be in the region of R20 000, a cost that would have to be passed on to aircraft users in the form of additional landing fees. Intervention by Aero Club resulted in CAA agreeing to allow a WGS84 position to be determined by the use of A GPS thereby eliminating the cost.
Proposed amendments to ATNS fees
ATNS proposed to introduce fees for the aircraft that are currently exempt from approach fees. In addition there were also proposals for new service fees for flying through controlled airspace. After substantial negotiation between Aero Club and ATNS is has now been agreed that general aviation aircraft would continue to be exempt from fees and that the weight category for the exemption be increased from 900kg to 1 200kg. In addition certain “warbirds” would also be exempt. This is a significant relief for general aviation. The proposal by ATNS for fees for aircraft over 1 200kg will be received soon.
Proposed Part 61 requirements for Instrument Ratings, Instructors and DFE’s
In August 2004 SAPFA has made comment on the proposed Part61.15 to 18, 22 and 36 to CARCom. In the main SAPFA is attempting to reduce the red tape in the regulations. A copy of the SAPFA comment is available for interested parties
Compulsory fitment of auto pilots for night flying
In February 2003 a proposal was made to CARCom that auto pilots be compulsory for VFR flights at night. There is no evidence that this would result in greater safety as it is the opinion of SAPFA that most accidents at night are in the take-off and landing stages where an auto pilot would be disconnected and controlled flight into terrain where the use of an auto pilot would not assist. The cost to general aviation would be enormous. The SAPFA objection, (see SAPFA Part 91.pdf ), was motivated at the CARCom meeting on 25 February 2004 by Aero Club’s Neil de Lange and was successful. The proposal has been scrapped.
S A Weather Service charges
In January 2004 the SAWS published a regulation creating new charges for aircraft owners for weather services. Assisted by members D Lempp and R Wheeldon who pointed out errors in the proposed regulations, SAPFA has objected against the levy of these charges, (See South African Weather Services charges.pdf ). Up to now there has been no response to our submission.
Classification of Airspace
In January 2004 a proposal was made to reduce the lower limit of Class A airspace from FL195 to FL145. This amendment would severely affect our members that fly jet warbirds. Due to the Aero Club submission at NASCOM this proposal was dropped.
12 Year Inspection Rule
SAPFA added its weight when the 12 overhaul rule reared its ugly head. A compromise was negotiated with all the parties and ultimately SAPFA supported the new regulations promulgated in AIC18_19 dated 15 March 2001
Initial Release of Part 61
When Part 61 of the Civil Aviation Regulations was issued SAPFA made comment and proposed a number of changes. The majority of these proposals were included in the second draft of the regulations. Some major issues were raised by SAPFA in a submission in November 2000.