Speed Rally
The Speed Rally is similar to the Fun Navigation Rally, except that it is rally against a pre-determined handicap speed. The course is approximately 140 nm with an average of 10 turnpoints.
At your allotted papers time, you will receive a Map and a set of Turn Point photos. The map will contain a pre-plotted route with magnetic headings.
Your take-off time is ~20 minutes after papers time. You will then fly the route attempting navigation around each turn point with the objective to fly the shortest route possible at the best speed possible to achieve the minimum overflown distance. The check point photos are all correct and in line of flight and are clearly marked features.
Scoring is best speed against the declared handicap, but flying accurately will help as the more you wander, the longer the route will take you to complete.
Watch the SAPFA Events Calendar for dates of these events.
Entries are open here: Enter here
For more info: Contact David le Roux e-mail: david@pilotinsure.co.za cell: 073 338 5200
Exciting sponsorship opportunities are available so please be sure to reach out if you would like to become a sponsor.
For those interested in the rules, They are attached below.