Articles Air Race (Page 3)

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Presidents Trophy

Air Race


President’s Trophy Air Race (PTAR) 2016 By Athol Franz

The Bethlehem Aero Club certainly ‘pulled out all the stops’ in terms of the preparation of the airfield and other arrangements for the more than 300 pilots, navigators, wives, girlfriends and spectators to enjoy what turned out to be a delightful weekend of aviation.


Start of the race – Athol Franz

Overall, the 2016 PTAR was an outstanding event which was safe and successful, but not without the usual complaints about handicaps. However, in all the years that I have attended the PTAR there is one thing that is certain: there will be controversy and there will be those competitors for whatever reason feel that their handicaps are unfair. However, this year 90% of the participants crossed the finishing line within nine minutes, which meant that the handicapping team actually had it right! Watching the finish was incredibly exciting as waves of aircraft crossed the finishing line, sometimes at up to seven abreast. I even heard one youngster say to his father: “Pa dit lyk soos in oorlog”  (Dad that looks like war!) as the planes roared overhead the airfield.
ZS WAP winning aircraft – Athol Franz ZS WAP overall winners – Athol Franz
Tribute must go to Philip Jacobs, chairman of the Bethlehem Aero Club and his closely knit team of volunteers who undertook all the planning. It was Philip’s wife Jacolien and her outstanding team who set up and managed the Saturday evening awards’ banquet that was brilliantly organised with considerable flare in one of the superbly decorated Bethlehem hangars!

Philip told me that the Bethlehem Aero Club was divided into various sub-committees where each was tasked with a particular assignment. The huge airfield’s dry winter grass had been cut very short so as to ensure that there was not any possibility of a run-away veld fire being any sort of danger to the arriving aircraft. The team of Isak Venter and Frans Moeder also ensured that fencing was in place and that security had been arranged for the protection of the aircraft and spectators. Then to cap it all the weather was ideal for racing with a very light easterly wind, cold nights and warm sunny days.


Frank Eckard (SAPFA Chairman), Philip Jacobs and Nico Smith (winners),
Robbie Myburgh (assistant race director) and Robin Spencer-Scarr (race director)

Sponsors and contributors
Shell Aviation
 paid for the Saturday evening gala dinner
Airborne Insurance donated caps and medals
Century Avionics donated a headset, watch and photographs. The company also assisted with the GPS aerial masking on all participating aircraft
The Airplane Factory donated a show stand and cash sponsorship
Professional Aviation donated a show stand and cash sponsorship
Eagle Air donated the aircraft race numbers
CemAir donated R22 000 worth of airline tickets
NAC donated a show stand and cash sponsorship
Air Traffic Control sent Whitney Stone from the Johannesburg O.R. Tambo tower
Permanon donated money towards Sharon Potgieter’s legs’ rehabilitation
African Pilot donated 10 full year magazine subscriptions and assisted with the advertising of the PTAR over the last few months.

Entire race group after briefing – Athol Franz

A message to the PTAR 2016 from an ancient airman

Poem by Tony Petter-Bowyer read by Mark Moses at the formal banquet

We are all aviators,
We all try to understand the air.
We know that things can go wrong there,
And life is not always fair.
But if I look at today,
We are flying at 400 ks(kay’s)
We touch the tall grass on the mountains,
We witness views that amaze.
How can we explain, I ask,
To those who do not fly,
The neurological nourishment,
That we get from being in the sky.
If we look at today for an example,
We have covered a thousand squares,
Of hills and valleys and meadows
Of god’s creative wares.
We have flown over Moonies and Pipers,
Sadly overtaken by a twin,
Got our knickers in a knot over a Lancair
Whose speed is actually a sin.
How can we thank these people,
Who come from millions of miles,
To organise this programme for us,
Who give of their time, for our smiles.
And yet you get the serial moaners.
Those complainers of note.
Who get slighted by the faintest of stalls,
Must get the committees goat.
But thanks to Robin and his team,
And all those who work in the wings,
The President’s Trophy Air Race.
Is undoubtedly the sport of kings.

At a personal level, may I thank each and every one who made this great weekend possible. Well done to the team from the Bethlehem Aero Club, the ATC, the sponsors – I hope I mentioned all of them, the marshals, the scorers, the handicappers, the SAPFA officials, the folk who organised the catering, the after dinner guest speaker Chester Chandler who made a splendid speech about the origins of air racing, the banquet organisers and everyone involved. Apart from the usual handicapping bickering due to considerable male testosterone levels, the weekend had a superb atmosphere where almost everything worked out to plan.

Winning Piper PA-28R-200
Christine Brits
Jabiru J400
Christine Brits

Message from the Race director: Robin Spencer-Scarr

It has been 3 weeks since the greatest air race ever was held in Bethlehem. I say this with sincere pride because, yet again, we broke a number of records.

For starters, the result was one of the closest we have ever seen with the first 50 aircraft crossing the lines within 3 minutes and 25 seconds of each other. This was followed by the rest of the field giving us a total result of the entire fleet crossing the line within 9 minutes and 9 seconds. This speaks volumes for the improvement in the handicaps.

The next record to be broken was the hospitality at the venue. The Bethlehem Aero Club excelled and the Prize-giving Dinner was, without a doubt, a truly Gala Affair.

My heartfelt congratulations go to all those competitors who took off and landed safely on both days of hard racing. Thank you for keeping the track record of the PTAR clean and safe.

We will be making small amendments to the handicap system for next year and will advising everyone of the details of the algorithm as soon as we are comfortable that it is as truly fair to everyone as it can possibly be.

We look forward to seeing you in Springs in May 2017

Results Day 1 Results Day 2

 Overall Result





In an unprecedented move,

The South African Power Flying Association releases the 2016 PTAR Handicaps before Entries open

Chairman of the South African Power Flying Association, Frank Eckard stated that ….” due to the constant improvement in systems, methods and technologies, SAPFA is able to publish a List of Handicaps, for more than 260 aircraft that have competed in the PTAR over the last seven years, before entries open….…and 12 weeks before the race”

Competitors are encouraged to Click Here to view their handicaps.


1. Competitors are reminded that any changes or modifications to the aircraft must be noted on the Entry Form.
2. A modified aircraft is any aircraft, with any modifications, or accessories, which may have been carried out, changed or added (ie….engine blueprinting, propeller changes, speed kits, gap seals, spats …..etc)
3. Modifications or accessories must be type approved and must not hinder or limit the normal operation of the aircraft.
4. The handicap speed may be adjusted for any aircraft modifications or changes in performance.
(alphabetical order) Download PDF PTAR 2016 – List of Provisional Handicaps.pdf

Reg Type H/Cap Reg Type H/Cap
A2-CVS Beech 55 188.4 ZS-DWL Piper PA 28 235* 135.1
A2-UFO Jabiru J430 121.1 ZS-DZZ Piper PA 24 400 197.7
N4217P Piper PA 23 160 Apache 145.8 ZS-EAY Piper PA 28 235 139.2
ZS-AAS Beech 58 193.0 ZS-EBT Piper PA 32 235 132.5
ZS-ABC Piper PA 32 300C 140.2 ZS-ECK Cessna 182H 135.0
ZS-ACY Bosbok 113.6 ZS-EFH Piper PA 28 235 146.0
ZS-AFO Cessna 182T 143.9 ZS-EJS Cessna 182H 131.2
ZS-ALE Cessna T182T 150.2 ZS-ELN Piper PA 28 180 125.1
ZS-ALS Cessna 182T 142.9 ZS-EOZ Piper PA 28 140 122.3
ZS-ALZ Beech G36 173.0 ZS-EPR Cessna 182K 133.0
ZS-BAA Socata TB 20 153.4 ZS-ESP Piper PA 34 220T Turbo 183.3
ZS-BAI Cessna 172S 127.8 ZS-ETT Cessna 182 134.4
ZS-BJR Beech A36 173.7 ZS-EUB Mooney M20F 142.9
ZS-BNA Beech F33A 175.2 ZS-EWA Cessna 172M 116.4
ZS-BPD Beech 58 197.8 ZS-EXD Mooney M20C Mk 21 138.1
ZS-BPN Cessna 210L 167.1 ZS-EXV Piper PA 28 140 113.7
ZS-BTS Cessna U206F II 146.3 ZS-FDZ Piper PA 28 235B 143.9
ZS-CAP Cirrus SR 20 152.1 ZS-FHM Mooney M20G 146.2
ZS-CBF Mooney M20 C Mk 21 141.7 ZS-FIF Cessna 172L 117.9
ZS-CBJ Mooney M20C 141.6 ZS-FIY Cessna 182L 133.4
ZS-CHL Beech 58 196.5 ZS-FJU Cessna 172K 114.4
ZS-CIR Cessna 175 115.1 ZS-FJV Cessna 172K 115.5
ZS-CLP Cirrus SR 22 T 175.4 ZS-FMO Piper PA 28 180D 124.9
ZS-CNY Cessna 210 260hp 155.0 ZS-FOH Piper PA 28 140 114.8
ZS-CNZ Cessna 172A 112.7 ZS-FPI Cessna 182M 138.7
ZS-CPB Cirrus SR 22 G3 175.7 ZS-FSI Cessna 182T 142.5
ZS-CTP Cirrus SR 20 152.7 ZS-FSR Beech A36 173.0
ZS-CTY Cessna 172C 102.1 ZS-FVV Piper PA 28 235C 137.6
ZS-CUX Cessna 172C* 104.4 ZS-FWK Piper PA 28R 200 140.6
ZS-CXY Cessna 172D STOL 109.1 ZS-FXU Cessna 210J 167.7
ZS-DAM Piper PA 28 235F 143.4 ZS-FXX Cessna 172K 115.5
ZS-DOL Cirrus SR 22 GTS 176.8 ZS-FYR Piper PA 32 300C 143.9
ZS-DOT Cirrus SR 22 G2 179.9 ZS-HJF Piper PA 24 260C 164.3
ZS-DSG Cirrus SR 22 Xi 177.0 ZS-HME Beech C33A 163.2
ZS-DSU Cessna 182G 133.6 ZS-HWW Beech 58 197.5
ZS-DVN Beech E55 196.8 ZS-IBX Beech E33 171.7
ZS-DVZ Cessna 172E 105.0 ZS-IDX Cessna 182K 132.9
ZS-DWJ Piper PA 28 235 135.1 ZS-IEI Piper PA 28 140C 117.3
Reg Type H/Cap Reg Type H/Cap
ZS-IFY Cessna 177B 125.9 ZS-LXO Beech 58 194.0
ZS-IGY Beagle B121 116.6 ZS-LXU Beech F33A 171.0
ZS-IJL Beech K35 171.3 ZS-LYD Cessna T210 M 177.1
ZS-IMX Beech A 24 R 134.1 ZS-LYY Piper PA 34 200T Turbo 170.8
ZS-IRL Cessna 172N II 114.9 ZS-MDE Piper PA 28R 180 139.1
ZS-ISP Cirrus SR 22 179.8 ZS-MEA Piper PA 28R 201T 161.3
ZS-ITU Beech C23 115.0 ZS-MEJ Cessna T210M Turbo 176.4
ZS-IVD Cessna 182P 135.9 ZS-MEW Piper PA 32 300 140.0
ZS-IWK Cessna 182P II 134.1 ZS-MFD Beech E55 193.6
ZS-IXL Grumman AA 5 116.7 ZS-MFG Beech 58 203.4
ZS-IYC Cessna 182P 137.4 ZS-MIA Cessna 210L 165.6
ZS-JDF Cessna 177RG 137.1 ZS-MJN Cessna 210M 166.5
ZS-JEF Piper PA 28 235 140.4 ZS-MJR Navion H 153.0
ZS-JIE Cirrus SR 22 181.3 ZS-MKB Cessna T210M Turbo 175.6
ZS-JKY Mooney M20F 146.9 ZS-MLC Cessna 210L 165.0
ZS-JLT Cessna 182P II 138.2 ZS-MRF Cessna 177 RG II 138.4
ZS-JLW Piper PA 23E 250T Turbo 189.1 ZS-MST Piper PA 28 180 C 138.6
ZS-JTA Cessna FR172J 129.6 ZS-MSW Cessna 182F 136.5
ZS-JUO Cessna 172K 113.5 ZS-MTR Cessna 210M* 166.5
ZS-JWG Cessna 182P 137.9 ZS-MUU Cessna T210M Turbo 168.9
ZS-JWL Cessna T210L Turbo 169.3 ZS-MVH Cessna 210N 164.7
ZS-JYJ Beech A36 168.7 ZS-MYT Cessna 172RK 125.5
ZS-JZZ Piper PA 34 200T Turbo 166.6 ZS-NAB RV 8 178.8
ZS-KAJ Beech A36 168.2 ZS-NDO Cessna 177RG 135.3
ZS-KCS Beech 58 196.0 ZS-NEH Cessna 180H 134.6
ZS-KJB Cessna 210N 172.3 ZS-NHR Piaggio P166S Super/Charge 176.3
ZS-KJF Cessna R182 RG II 155.9 ZS-NJC Grumman AG 5B 130.9
ZS-KKT Piper PA 34 200T 176.5 ZS-NOI Cessna 182 L 137.2
ZS-KLY Beech F33A 172.4 ZS-NOY Cessna 182P II 132.2
ZS-KOB Piper PA 28 235 140.2 ZS-NSL Cessna U206 D 140.5
ZS-KPE Mooney M20J 201 155.0 ZS-NSM Cessna U206D 135.5
ZS-KPU Aero Comm 500B 177.4 ZS-NUL Cessna T210 L* 163.6
ZS-KSO Cessna 182Q II 137.6 ZS-NXE Piper PA 28RT 201T 159.7
ZS-KSW Cessna 182R II 140.1 ZS-NYU Mooney M20C 144.4
ZS-KSZ Cessna R182 RG II 154.1 ZS-NZL Beech 58 194.4
ZS-KTO Aerostar 600A 211.2 ZS-OFH Piper PA 32R 301T 174.9
ZS-KUT Cessna 210N 163.2 ZS-OMJ Piper PA 32 260 138.9
ZS-KVT Cessna 172 RG II 129.8 ZS-OOG Beech B55 193.4
ZS-KYK Cessna 172 RG II 129.8 ZS-ORZ Cessna 182 A 127.1
ZS-LAI Cessna R182 RG II 150.6 ZS-OSM Cessna 340A II 190.8
ZS-LCP Piper PA 34 200T 165.8 ZS-OSV Piper PA 34 220T Turbo 176.0
ZS-LLH Cessna 182B 134.9 ZS-OXZ Cessna 182T 147.9
ZS-LLX Piper PA 28R 201T 157.1 ZS-PAS Beech B55 190.7
ZS-LML Cessna 182T 146.3 ZS-PBF Cessna T210R 175.9
ZS-LOM Cessna 210N STO 170.6 ZS-PBX Mooney M20F 146.5
ZS-LPA Mooney M20F 148.8 ZS-PDN Aerostar 600 206.8
ZS-LVU Cessna T210N 162.4 ZS-PFN Beech H35 160.3
ZS-LXJ Beech F33 A 168.5 ZS-PFO Cessna 182K 141.2
Reg Type H/Cap Reg Type H/Cap
ZS-PJK Beech F33A 175.0 ZU-FNV Pipistrel Virus SW 100 Turbo 141.1
ZS-PKI Cessna 210L 165.2 ZU-FRX Sling F D 6 126.6
ZS-PPE Alpha Robin R2160i 130.8 ZU-FUB Sling 2 100 111.1
ZS-PUP Christian A-1 116.7 ZU-FUM Pipistrel Virus SW 100 139.7
ZS-PWO Cirrus SR 22 178.0 ZU-FWA RV 7 175.1
ZS-PYI Cessna 210L 164.4 ZU-FWY Sling 2 118.9
ZS-PZG Beech A36 168.7 ZU-FZJ RV 6A 167.2
ZS-RIO Cessna 182P* 134.0 ZU-IBM Sling 4 123.0
ZS-RTB Piper PA 28R 200 139.4 ZU-IMA RV 7 179.9
ZS-SCY Cirrus SR 22 G3 178.8 ZU-ISC RV 7A 174.8
ZS-SDR Piper PA 28 181 130.7 ZU-JHA RV 6 173.2
ZS-SDW Diamond DA 42 Tdi 166.4 ZU-JTX RV 10 177.1
ZS-SGK Bellanca 8KCAB 108.3 ZU-JUR RV 7 174.7
ZS-SHV Cessna 172N II 117.3 ZU-JVZ Jabiru J400 123.7
ZS-SLV Cessna 182T Test ZU-KAI Flight Design CT SW 120.0
ZS-SPO Cessna 172M 114.5 ZU-KIS TR 4 KIS 151.5
ZS-SRC Cirrus SR 22 G2 175.3 ZU-KLT RV 7 173.9
ZS-TCC Cirrus SR 22 T 178.2 ZU-LAX RV 7A 174.5
ZS-TMT Cessna 182P II 134.1 ZU-LEG lancair 2000 225.2
ZS-TNG Diamond AC DA 42 NG 162.2 ZU-LHD RV 8 176.8
ZS-TZN Cessna 182S 142.9 ZU-LNI Dyn Aero MCR 4S 134.1
ZS-VIS Cessna T210R 184.7 ZU-MBD BD 4C 161.9
ZS-VSA Cessna 402B 197.5 ZU-MDB RV 8 182.0
ZS-WBT Glasair III 221.0 ZU-MER RV 7A 164.3
ZS-WZU Lancair 360 199.2 ZU-MGB Sling 2 100 114.2
ZU-AFP Cessna 172D 126.8 ZU-MJB Alpi P300S Std 135.3
ZU-BHX Piper PA 22 150 113.7 ZU-NAT Alpi 300 Hawk 134.9
ZU-BYS RV 4 165.1 ZU-NIK RV 7 174.7
ZU-CCO Samba UFM 10 123.2 ZU-NRC Sling F D 6 115.1
ZU-CHI RV 8 177.6 ZU-NRV RV 8 169.2
ZU-DCB Lancair Legacy 216.0 ZU-NTC RV 7A 171.9
ZU-DTB Dyn Aero MCR 4S Turbo 134.1 ZU-ORV RV 7A 167.9
ZU-DWS Dynamic WT 9 134.4 ZU-PWH Sling 4 126.1
ZU-EEI Tecnam P2002 Sierra 113.6 ZU-RVE RV 8 177.8
ZU-EKR Tecnam P2002 Sierra 106.8 ZU-RVI RV 10 176.1
ZU-ESS Jabiru J430 123.0 ZU-SFA RV 7A 171.1
ZU-EYP RV 7 173.8 ZU-TAE Sling F D 6 116.6
ZU-EYZ Alpi P200S 114.9 ZU-TAF Sling F 4 Turbo 119.0
ZU-EZL Samba XL 124.1 ZU-TCD RV 10 175.0
ZU-EZX Jabiru J430 116.7 ZU-VNE RV 7 179.8
ZU-FBX Jabiru J430 117.4 ZU-VON Glasair GS 2 138.5
ZU-FCE RV 8 181.0 ZU-WIN RV 7 175.3
ZU-FFE Jabiru SP120 102.6 ZU-WRJ Sling F D Turbo Test
ZU-FHM RV 8 177.0 ZU-XML SA Ravin 500 180.2
ZU-FLN Howard DGA 15P 141.5
ZU-FND RV 9A 158.8
ZU-FNI RV 10 Test
ZU-FNN Sling 108.4

Entries for the President’s Trophy Air Race are now open.


All teams that flew the 2015 PTAR will get an email with a link to their online entry form.

Teams that flew in 2015, but are changing pilot, navigator or aircraft must send and email to so that he can change their online entry form.

New entrants must go to – and complete their details.

Your will find a list of preferred accommodation in Bethlehem, HERE ( to download the PDF File) all of them are within a couple of kilometers of the airfield.
You are also welcome to have a look at for any additional accommodation.
PS. Please mention that the bookings are for the PTAR, as some of the facilities may have special rates for us.

A special rate has been created for this event Please note that prior booking is essential.

DAY 1 START LIST Start Time 10:00:00
President’s Trophy Air Race 2016
Race No A/C Reg Manufacture Model, HP, Blades, Mods. Allocated
Engine Start Start Time
10 ZU-DCB  Lancair Legacy 216 09:40:00 10:00:00
94 ZS-KTO  Piper 600 Aerostar 211.2 09:40:30 10:00:30
77 ZS-VSA  Cessna C402B 197.5 09:41:00 10:01:00
85 ZS-CHL  Beech BE58 196.5 09:41:30 10:01:30
73 ZS-PLE  Cirrus SR22 182.2 09:42:00 10:02:00
62 ZS-PFD  Cirrus SR22T 181.6 09:42:30 10:02:30
42 ZS-JIE  Cirrus SR22 181.3 09:43:00 10:03:00
57 ZU-FCE  Van’s RV-8 181 09:43:30 10:03:30
69 ZU-DJC  Van’s RV8 181 09:44:00 10:04:00
15 ZU-XML  Ravin 500 180.2 09:44:30 10:04:30
17 ZS-ACA  Cirrus SR22 178.4 09:45:00 10:05:00
75 ZU-MPH  Van’s RV8 178 09:45:30 10:05:30
1 ZU-FWB  Van’s RV10 177.1 09:46:00 10:06:00
50 ZU-FHM  Van’s RV-8 177 09:46:30 10:06:30
32 ZU-FNI  Van’s RV-10 176.8 09:47:00 10:07:00
47 ZS-MEJ  Cessna T210M 176.4 09:47:30 10:07:30
103 ZU-IHI  Vans RV7 176 09:48:00 10:08:00
90 ZS-MKB  Cessna T210N 175.6 09:48:30 10:08:30
79 ZU-TCD  Van’s RV10 175.3 09:49:00 10:09:00
64 ZS-BNA  Beech F33A 175.2 09:49:30 10:09:30
93 ZU-FWA  Van’s RV-7 175.1 09:50:00 10:10:00
44 ZU-IHH  Van’s RV7A 174.8 09:50:30 10:10:30
45 ZU-LAX  Van’s RV7A 174.5 09:51:00 10:11:00
56 ZS-OBC  Cessna 210 173.9 09:51:30 10:11:30
8 ZS-BJR  Beech A36 173.7 09:52:00 10:12:00
76 ZS-MYB  Beach BE33 173.6 09:52:30 10:12:30
54 ZU-EAR  Vans RV7 172.8 09:53:00 10:13:00
46 ZS-KLY  Beech F33A 172.4 09:53:30 10:13:30
12 ZS-KJB  Cessna 210N 172.3 09:54:00 10:14:00
3 ZS-IBX  Beech E33 169.1 09:54:30 10:14:30
16 ZS-IZG  Cessna 210M 167.2 09:55:00 10:15:00
30 ZU-FZJ  Van’s RV-6A 167.2 09:55:30 10:15:30
99 ZS-MTR  Cessna C210N 166.5 09:56:00 10:16:00
31 ZS-SDW  Diamond DA42 TDi 166.4 09:56:30 10:16:30
89 ZS-HME  Beech C33A 163.2 09:57:00 10:17:00
36 ZS-MDK  Piper PA-34-200T 162.4 09:57:30 10:17:30
39 ZS-FFL  Cessna 210T 160.3 09:58:00 10:18:00
67 ZS-PFN  Beech H35 160.3 09:58:30 10:18:30
38 ZS-MWO  Mooney M20J 156.8 09:59:00 10:19:00
19 ZS-MEA  Piper PA-28R-201T 156.3 09:59:30 10:19:30
52 ZS-CNY  Cessna 210 153.6 10:00:00 10:20:00
97 ZS-CTP  Cirrus SR20 152.7 10:00:30 10:20:30
37 ZS-DYD  Mooney M20E 151.9 10:01:00 10:21:00
41 ZS-ALE  Cessna T182T 150.2 10:01:30 10:21:30
70 ZS-KTN  Piper PA28RT-201T 148.3 10:02:00 10:22:00
43 ZS-OXZ  Cessna C182T 147.9 10:02:30 10:22:30
11 ZS-PBX  Mooney M20F 146.5 10:03:00 10:23:00
35 ZS-KHM  Piper PA-32-300 146.4 10:03:30 10:23:30
26 ZS-LML  Cessna 182T 146.3 10:04:00 10:24:00
55 N4217P  Piper PA23-160Apache 145.8 10:04:30 10:24:30
34 ZS-FDZ  Piper PA-28-235B 143.9 10:05:00 10:25:00
60 ZS-EUB  Mooney M20F 142.9 10:05:30 10:25:30
86 ZS-JEF  Piper PA-28-235 140.4 10:06:00 10:26:00
48 ZS-KSW  Cessna C182R II 140.1 10:06:30 10:26:30
51 ZU-FUM  Pipistrel VirusSW100 139.7 10:07:00 10:27:00
29 ZS-RTB  Piper PA-28R-200 139.4 10:07:30 10:27:30
23 ZS-WAP  Piper PA-28R-200 139.1 10:08:00 10:28:00
92 ZS-FPI  Cessna C182M 138.7 10:08:30 10:28:30
58 ZS-JDF  Cessna 177RG 138.4 10:09:00 10:29:00
14 ZS-JWG  Cessna 182P 137.9 10:09:30 10:29:30
80 ZS-ERO  Cessna C182J 137.9 10:10:00 10:30:00
49 ZS-JTG  Cessna C182Q II 137.6 10:10:30 10:30:30
68 ZS-FVV  Piper PA-28-235 137.6 10:11:00 10:31:00
9 ZS-NDO  Cessan 177RG 135.3 10:11:30 10:31:30
95 ZS-DBP  Cessna 182P Skylane 135.3 10:12:00 10:32:00
18 ZS-ECK  Cessna 182H 135 10:12:30 10:32:30
72 ZS-JHH  Socata Rallye 235E 135 10:13:00 10:33:00
4 ZS-EPR  Cessna 182K 133 10:13:30 10:33:30
27 ZS-EJS  Cessna 182H 131.2 10:14:00 10:34:00
20 ZS-EOI Piper PA28-180 127.7 10:14:30 10:34:30
59 ZS-IFY  Cessna C177B 125.9 10:15:00 10:35:00
84 ZS-ELN  Piper PA-28-180 125.1 10:15:30 10:35:30
53 ZU-DUU  Jabiru J400 123.7 10:16:00 10:36:00
78 ZU-JVZ  Jabiru J400 123.7 10:16:30 10:36:30
88 ZU-EIE  Jabiru J430 123.7 10:17:00 10:37:00
101 ZU-FVA  Jabiru J430 123.7 10:17:30 10:37:30
2 ZS-CBB  Piper PA-28-180 123.1 10:18:00 10:38:00
74 ZU-KAI  Flight Design CTSW 120 10:18:30 10:38:30
102 ZU-FSP  Sling 119.8 10:19:00 10:39:00
104 ZU-FWY  Sling 2 118.9 10:19:30 10:39:30
33 ZU-IFY  Sling 118.1 10:20:00 10:40:00
91 ZU-SNG  Sling 118.1 10:20:30 10:40:30
98 ZS-IXL  Grumman AA-5 116.7 10:21:00 10:41:00
66 ZS-IGY  Beagle B121 SerII 116.6 10:21:30 10:41:30
87 ZS-ITU  Beech C23 115 10:22:00 10:42:00
96 ZU-BHX  Piper PA-22-150 2-WH 113.7 10:22:30 10:42:30
25 ZU-ACY  Aermacchi AM.3C 113.6 10:23:00 10:43:00
21 ZS-CAF  Cessna 172M 113.2 10:23:30 10:43:30

RESULTS DAY 1 DAY1 Start 10:00:00
President’s Trophy Air Race 2016 Course Dist 300.47 Nm
Race No AirReg Manufacture Model, HP, Blades, Mods. PILOT NAVIGATOR Revised
EFT AFT Penalties Gain
Comment Position
60 ZS-EUB  Mooney M20F Kobus van der Merwe Sarel van der Merwe 142.90 145.74 303.98 02:06:10 02:05:09 00:00:00 00:01:00.71 1
69 ZU-DJC  Van’s RV8 Daan Conradie Hendrik Visser 181.00 185.40 304.80 01:39:36 01:38:38 00:00:00 00:00:57.80 2
23 ZS-WAP  Piper PA-28R-200 Philip Jacobs Nico Smith 139.10 141.80 304.27 02:09:36 02:08:45 00:00:00 00:00:51.73 3
14 ZS-JWG  Cessna 182P Piet Ferreira Johan van Gruting 137.90 139.96 303.80 02:10:44 02:10:14 00:00:00 00:00:29.63 4
89 ZS-HME  Beech C33A Ivar Joubert Shaun Stander 163.20 167.97 308.35 01:50:28 01:50:09 00:00:00 00:00:19.44 5
31 ZS-SDW  Diamond DA42 TDi Steve Dewsbery Donald O’Connor 166.40 169.41 303.83 01:48:21 01:47:36 -00:00:30 00:00:14.12 6
94 ZS-KTO  Piper 600 Aerostar Gerhard van Zyl Colin Jordaan 211.20 214.52 304.55 01:25:22 01:25:11 00:00:00 00:00:10.83 7
38 ZS-MWO  Mooney M20J Wynand Lotter Andreas Papachristoforou 159.00 160.84 303.57 01:53:23 01:53:15 00:00:00 00:00:08.59 8
50 ZU-FHM  Van’s RV-8 Ross Leighton Richard Adcock 181.00 183.73 304.95 01:39:36 01:39:35 00:00:00 00:00:01.09 9
102 ZU-FSP  Sling Carel Hoffman Cyril Manser 119.80 122.07 306.15 02:30:29 02:30:29 00:00:00 00:00:00.00 10
47 ZS-MEJ  Cessna T210M Petrus Burger Albie van Zyl 180.70 182.78 304.04 01:39:46 01:39:48 00:00:00 -00:00:02.23 11
18 ZS-ECK  Cessna 182H Eduard du Plessis Hubert Wentzel 135.00 137.11 305.26 02:13:33 02:13:35 00:00:00 -00:00:02.33 12
78 ZU-JVZ  Jabiru J400 Sean Curran Colin Maggs 123.70 125.44 304.82 02:25:45 02:25:48 00:00:00 -00:00:03.63 13
57 ZU-FCE  Van’s RV-8 Dawie van Staden Wayne Schmidt 181.00 184.68 305.40 01:39:36 01:39:13 -00:00:30 -00:00:06.99 14
12 ZS-KJB  Cessna 210N Willie Griesel Chris-Albert (Boebie) Hattingh 172.30 173.61 303.37 01:44:38 01:44:51 00:00:00 -00:00:12.70 15
45 ZU-LAX  Van’s RV7A Eric Addison Mario Febbraio 174.50 176.92 305.59 01:43:19 01:43:38 00:00:00 -00:00:19.28 16
4 ZS-EPR  Cessna 182K George Karatzas Arthur Karatzas 133.00 135.07 306.20 02:15:33 02:16:01 00:00:00 -00:00:27.80 17
74 ZU-KAI  Flight Design CTSW Kai-Uwe Neckel Tyrone Mcintosh 120.00 121.88 304.12 02:30:14 02:29:43 -00:01:00 -00:00:28.37 18
41 ZS-ALE  Cessna T182T Roger Dyason Peet Claassen 154.00 155.09 303.85 01:57:04 01:57:33 00:00:00 -00:00:28.93 19
25 ZU-ACY  Aermacchi AM.3C Ivan Marx Martin Marx 123.90 124.76 303.88 02:25:30 02:26:08 00:00:00 -00:00:38.08 20
90 ZS-MKB  Cessna T210N Andre Tonkin Douw Wentzel 180.40 181.85 304.83 01:39:56 01:40:34 00:00:00 -00:00:38.39 21
56 ZS-OBC  Cessna 210 Charl Starke Yeager Starke 173.90 175.34 304.95 01:43:40 01:44:21 00:00:00 -00:00:40.85 22
19 ZS-MEA  Piper PA-28R-201T Percy Rudman Percy Rudman 159.00 160.22 304.64 01:53:23 01:54:05 00:00:00 -00:00:42.00 23
10 ZU-DCB  Lancair Legacy Dieter Bock Dale de Klerk 220.00 224.78 307.81 01:21:57 01:22:10 -00:00:30 -00:00:43.05 24
46 ZS-KLY  Beech F33A Mark Moses Glen Bennett 172.40 173.04 303.73 01:44:34 01:45:19 00:00:00 -00:00:44.63 25
67 ZS-PFN  Beech H35 Mike Finch Sandy Bayne 160.30 161.43 304.82 01:52:28 01:53:18 00:00:00 -00:00:49.60 26
27 ZS-EJS  Cessna 182H Coetzee van der Merwe Jan Randell 134.40 135.41 304.60 02:14:08 02:14:58 00:00:00 -00:00:49.87 27
1 ZU-FWB  Van’s RV10 Grant Raubenheimer Vincent Anderes 175.90 176.42 303.87 01:42:30 01:43:21 00:00:00 -00:00:51.21 28
49 ZS-JTG  Cessna C182Q II Danie Crous Jaco Minaar 138.60 140.26 304.96 02:10:04 02:10:27 -00:00:30 -00:00:52.54 29
17 ZS-ACA  Cirrus SR22 Tony Petter-Bowyer Chris Shillaw 178.40 179.11 304.40 01:41:03 01:41:58 00:00:00 -00:00:54.86 30
85 ZS-CHL  Beech BE58 Maurius Thompson Adrian Barry 196.50 199.74 306.97 01:31:45 01:32:13 -00:00:30 -00:00:57.72 31
26 ZS-LML  Cessna 182T John Lehman Judy Lehman 146.30 146.93 304.27 02:03:14 02:04:15 00:00:00 -00:01:01.33 32
93 ZU-FWA  Van’s RV-7 Mark Bunning Jason Bunning 175.10 177.59 305.17 01:42:58 01:43:06 -00:01:00 -00:01:08.54 33
76 ZS-MYB  Beach BE33 Joggie Prinsloo Rufus Dreyer 173.60 174.35 305.19 01:43:51 01:45:02 00:00:00 -00:01:10.61 34
70 ZS-KTN  Piper PA28RT-201T Don Bekker Etienne Bekker 151.40 153.02 306.83 01:59:05 02:00:19 00:00:00 -00:01:14.02 35
48 ZS-KSW  Cessna C182R II Louw van Reenen Riaan Pretorius 140.10 140.05 303.44 02:08:41 02:10:00 00:00:00 -00:01:19.08 36
43 ZS-OXZ  Cessna C182T Adriaan Kleyn Elmie Kleyn 147.90 148.22 304.87 02:01:54 02:03:25 00:00:00 -00:01:31.06 37
64 ZS-BNA  Beech F33A Hennie Bisschoff Dries Bisschoff 175.20 174.20 303.27 01:42:54 01:44:27 00:00:00 -00:01:33.26 38
58 ZS-JDF  Cessna 177RG Gustav Bester Helius Smit 138.40 139.46 305.27 02:10:16 02:11:20 -00:00:30 -00:01:34.21 39
77 ZS-VSA  Cessna C402B Koos Kruger Willie Linde 201.20 204.04 308.85 01:29:36 01:30:49 -00:00:30 -00:01:43.01 40
29 ZS-RTB  Piper PA-28R-200 Deon Loots Hennie Stander 139.40 139.32 304.32 02:09:20 02:11:04 00:00:00 -00:01:44.16 41
79 ZU-TCD  Van’s RV10 Ed Deschamps Piet Truter 175.30 174.62 305.03 01:42:51 01:44:49 00:00:00 -00:01:57.98 42
75 ZU-MPH  Van’s RV8 Johnie Smith Neil Terblanche 178.00 176.72 304.18 01:41:17 01:43:17 00:00:00 -00:01:59.68 43
68 ZS-FVV  Piper PA-28-235 Johan Whiteman Christo Fick 137.60 137.51 304.95 02:11:01 02:13:04 00:00:00 -00:02:02.56 44
55 N4217P  Piper PA23-160Apache Bryan Belcher Trevor Davids 145.80 145.80 305.56 02:03:39 02:05:45 00:00:00 -00:02:05.67 45
30 ZU-FZJ  Van’s RV-6A Eddie Scholtz Lourens Eksteen 167.20 170.44 306.67 01:47:49 01:47:57 -00:02:00 -00:02:07.79 46
59 ZS-IFY  Cessna C177B Chris Shaw John Shaw 125.90 126.67 305.88 02:23:12 02:24:53 -00:00:30 -00:02:11.49 47
8 ZS-BJR  Beech A36 Jan Visser Rene van Niekerk 173.70 172.77 305.21 01:43:47 01:45:59 00:00:00 -00:02:12.04 48
32 ZU-FNI  Van’s RV-10 Nicolaas de Witt Izak Venter 176.80 177.07 308.93 01:41:58 01:44:41 00:00:00 -00:02:42.73 49
16 ZS-IZG  Cessna 210M Leon Koekemoer Andre Koen 167.20 166.42 305.29 01:47:49 01:50:04 -00:00:30 -00:02:44.43 50
36 ZS-MDK  Piper PA-34-200T Karl Eschberger Gustav Eschberger 162.40 161.63 306.58 01:51:01 01:53:49 00:00:00 -00:02:47.86 51
103 ZU-IHI  Vans RV7 John Petrie Brandon Petrie 176.00 176.81 308.76 01:42:26 01:44:47 -00:00:30 -00:02:50.68 52
86 ZS-JEF  Piper PA-28-235 Philip Cronje Bart Linde 140.40 139.65 304.63 02:08:24 02:10:53 -00:00:30 -00:02:58.59 53
2 ZS-CBB  Piper PA-28-180 Robbie Myburgh Robert Myburgh (snr) 123.10 123.88 305.94 02:26:27 02:28:11 -00:01:30 -00:03:13.56 54
88 ZU-EIE  Jabiru J430 Danie Kritzinger Yvonne Kritzinger 123.70 125.01 308.66 02:25:45 02:28:09 -00:01:00 -00:03:24.21 55
51 ZU-FUM  Pipistrel VirusSW100 Stoffel van Zyl Martin Grunert 139.70 138.22 302.84 02:09:03 02:11:27 -00:01:00 -00:03:24.46 56
20 ZS-EOI Piper PA28-180 William Einkamerer Cliff Lotter 125.10 125.16 304.76 02:24:07 02:26:06 -00:01:30 -00:03:28.92 57
66 ZS-IGY  Beagle B121 SerII Duncan Finch Michael Penney 116.60 118.40 312.75 02:34:37 02:38:29 00:00:00 -00:03:52.01 58
97 ZS-CTP  Cirrus SR20 Janice Ray Jonathan Smook 152.70 151.48 307.25 01:58:04 02:01:42 -00:00:30 -00:04:08.34 59
96 ZU-BHX  Piper PA-22-150 2-WH Craig Reid Warren Penny 113.70 112.47 305.13 02:38:34 02:42:46 00:00:00 -00:04:12.84 60
15 ZU-XML  Ravin 500 Calle Hedberg Mike Visagie 180.20 177.62 304.24 01:40:03 01:42:46 -00:01:30 -00:04:13.47 61
84 ZS-ELN  Piper PA-28-180 Christoff Le Grange Francois du Plessis 125.10 125.18 308.75 02:24:07 02:28:00 -00:00:30 -00:04:22.90 62
104 ZU-FWY  Sling 2 Pierre van der Merwe Sandy van der Merwe 116.90 114.91 303.96 02:34:13 02:38:43 00:00:00 -00:04:29.32 63
72 ZS-JHH  Socata Rallye 235E Hendrik Coetsee Gert Rautenbach 133.00 131.84 307.09 02:15:33 02:19:46 -00:00:30 -00:04:42.52 64
9 ZS-NDO  Cessan 177RG Paul (Tjop) de Vries Renier Kuhn 135.30 134.51 309.22 02:13:15 02:17:56 -00:00:30 -00:05:11.35 65
95 ZS-DBP  Cessna 182P Skylane Bertie Wessels Jaco Schoen 133.30 130.69 306.47 02:15:15 02:20:42 00:00:00 -00:05:27.23 66
73 ZS-PLE  Cirrus SR22 Shaun Barron Hedley Davidson 182.20 181.74 316.65 01:38:57 01:44:32 00:00:00 -00:05:35.53 67
44 ZU-IHH  Van’s RV7A Johan van Eeden Cor Esterhuizen 174.80 170.98 310.05 01:43:08 01:48:48 00:00:00 -00:05:40.09 68
92 ZS-FPI  Cessna C182M Tina van Wyk Mathys Joubert 138.70 137.24 310.94 02:09:59 02:15:56 00:00:00 -00:05:57.46 69
62 ZS-PFD  Cirrus SR22T Victor Coreia Derek Bird 181.60 175.91 308.98 01:39:16 01:45:23 00:00:00 -00:06:06.70 70
99 ZS-MTR  Cessna C210N Johan La Grange Yolande La Grange 166.50 162.17 308.15 01:48:17 01:54:00 -00:00:30 -00:06:13.75 71
87 ZS-ITU  Beech C23 Anthon Meyer Marius Von Wielligh 115.00 113.21 306.86 02:36:46 02:42:38 -00:00:30 -00:06:21.49 72
53 ZU-DUU  Jabiru J400 Piet Meyer Alan Hussey 123.70 120.91 307.22 02:25:45 02:32:27 00:00:00 -00:06:42.62 73
35 ZS-KHM  Piper PA-32-300 William O’Driscoll Donovan Bailey 144.90 138.93 305.38 02:04:25 02:11:53 00:00:00 -00:07:27.99 74
101 ZU-FVA  Jabiru J430 Willie Uys Frans Maeder 123.70 119.57 304.34 02:25:45 02:32:43 -00:00:30 -00:07:28.88 75
33 ZU-IFY  Sling Glynn McGregor Candice Jones 116.90 112.63 303.71 02:34:13 02:41:48 00:00:00 -00:07:34.47 76
91 ZU-SNG  Sling Sean Russell Andrew Pitman 124.70 119.87 304.04 02:24:34 02:32:11 -00:02:00 -00:09:36.71 77
3 ZS-IBX  Beech E33 Johan Doubell Johannes Coetzee 169.10 172.92 356.27 01:46:37 02:03:37 00:00:00 -00:17:00.43 78
11 ZS-PBX  Mooney M20F Neil Grobbelaar Gary Stroebel 146.50 142.18 354.04 02:03:04 02:29:24 00:00:00 -00:26:20.78 79
21 ZS-CAF  Cessna 172M Bennie du Plessis Cilliers Manser 113.20 No Logger 0.00 02:39:16 00:00:00 -13:53:26 Disqualified Did not Start Day 1 80
34 ZS-FDZ  Piper PA-28-235B Christa Greyvenstein Johann van den Berg 143.90 No Logger 103.64 02:05:17 01:51:48 -00:04:32 Disqualified Miss at Heilbron & Senekal 81
37 ZS-DYD  Mooney M20E John Sayers Jack Coetzer 151.90 No Logger 139.97 01:58:41 01:53:46 -00:00:01 Disqualified Miss at Heilbron 82
39 ZS-FFL  Cessna 210T Mark Bristow Quinton Warne 160.30 No Logger 99.16 01:52:28 01:54:04 -00:00:03 Disqualified Miss at Heilbron, Miss at Senekal, Miss at Apple 83
42 ZS-JIE  Cirrus SR22 Alex Dyason Johan van der Hoven 181.30 No Logger 39.70 01:39:26 01:37:12 -00:08:02 Disqualified Miss at Volsrus, Miss at Heilbron 84
52 ZS-CNY  Cessna 210 Phil Wakeley Scott Wakeley 153.60 No Logger 0.99 01:57:22 00:46:18 -02:49:14 Disqualified DID NOT FINISH 85
54 ZU-EAR  Vans RV7 Mark Dethian Werner Hattingh 172.80 No Logger 204.52 01:44:20 01:50:51 -00:00:31 Disqualified Miss at Senekal 86
98 ZS-IXL  Grumman AA-5 Michelle Steele-Smith S Geldenhuis 116.70 No Logger 1.01 02:34:29 02:53:56 -00:10:34 Disqualified Missed 4 turn points 87

DAY 2 START LIST Ver 21:38:30
President’s Trophy Air Race 2016 Finish Time 13:00:00
Race No A/C Reg Manufacture Model, HP, Blades, Mods. Engine Start Start Time Day 2
96 ZU-BHX  Piper PA-22-150 2-WH 10:19:27 10:39:27
91 ZU-SNG  Sling 10:22:10 10:42:10
102 ZU-FSP  Sling 10:22:37 10:42:37
66 ZS-IGY  Beagle B121 SerII 10:22:47 10:42:47
87 ZS-ITU  Beech C23 10:23:14 10:43:14
74 ZU-KAI  Flight Design CTSW 10:23:24 10:43:24
104 ZU-FWY  Sling 2 10:23:42 10:43:42
33 ZU-IFY  Sling 10:26:47 10:46:47
78 ZU-JVZ  Jabiru J400 10:27:00 10:47:00
25 ZU-ACY  Aermacchi AM.3C 10:27:48 10:47:48
98 ZS-IXL  Grumman AA-5 10:28:58 10:48:58
2 ZS-CBB  Piper PA-28-180 10:29:31 10:49:31
88 ZU-EIE  Jabiru J430 10:30:21 10:50:21
59 ZS-IFY  Cessna C177B 10:31:28 10:51:28
20 ZS-EOI Piper PA28-180 10:31:55 10:51:55
84 ZS-ELN  Piper PA-28-180 10:32:49 10:52:49
53 ZU-DUU  Jabiru J400 10:33:39 10:53:39
101 ZU-FVA  Jabiru J430 10:34:26 10:54:26
4 ZS-EPR  Cessna 182K 10:36:43 10:56:43
18 ZS-ECK  Cessna 182H 10:38:07 10:58:07
27 ZS-EJS  Cessna 182H 10:38:22 10:58:22
14 ZS-JWG  Cessna 182P 10:40:09 11:00:09
23 ZS-WAP  Piper PA-28R-200 10:40:49 11:00:49
72 ZS-JHH  Socata Rallye 235E 10:40:59 11:00:59
95 ZS-DBP  Cessna 182P Skylane 10:41:59 11:01:59
49 ZS-JTG  Cessna C182Q II 10:42:09 11:02:09
68 ZS-FVV  Piper PA-28-235 10:42:26 11:02:26
58 ZS-JDF  Cessna 177RG 10:42:39 11:02:39
9 ZS-NDO  Cessan 177RG 10:43:33 11:03:33
29 ZS-RTB  Piper PA-28R-200 10:43:43 11:03:43
60 ZS-EUB  Mooney M20F 10:43:53 11:03:53
48 ZS-KSW  Cessna C182R II 10:44:03 11:04:03
51 ZU-FUM  Pipistrel VirusSW100 10:45:36 11:05:36
86 ZS-JEF  Piper PA-28-235 10:45:46 11:05:46
92 ZS-FPI  Cessna C182M 10:47:18 11:07:18
26 ZS-LML  Cessna 182T 10:48:31 11:08:31
55 N4217P  Piper PA23-160Apache 10:49:13 11:09:13
43 ZS-OXZ  Cessna C182T 10:50:14 11:10:14
70 ZS-KTN  Piper PA28RT-201T 10:52:31 11:12:31
41 ZS-ALE  Cessna T182T 10:53:36 11:13:36
35 ZS-KHM  Piper PA-32-300 10:53:53 11:13:53
34 ZS-FDZ  Piper PA-28-235B 10:55:37 11:15:37
38 ZS-MWO  Mooney M20J 10:56:21 11:16:21
97 ZS-CTP  Cirrus SR20 10:56:30 11:16:30
19 ZS-MEA  Piper PA-28R-201T 10:57:11 11:17:11
67 ZS-PFN  Beech H35 10:58:09 11:18:09
89 ZS-HME  Beech C33A 10:58:50 11:18:50
31 ZS-SDW  Diamond DA42 TDi 11:00:51 11:20:51
36 ZS-MDK  Piper PA-34-200T 11:01:27 11:21:27
37 ZS-DYD  Mooney M20E 11:01:39 11:21:39
52 ZS-CNY  Cessna 210 11:02:51 11:22:51
30 ZU-FZJ  Van’s RV-6A 11:03:42 11:23:42
16 ZS-IZG  Cessna 210M 11:04:18 11:24:18
12 ZS-KJB  Cessna 210N 11:04:41 11:24:41
46 ZS-KLY  Beech F33A 11:05:17 11:25:17
45 ZU-LAX  Van’s RV7A 11:06:00 11:26:00
56 ZS-OBC  Cessna 210 11:06:10 11:26:10
76 ZS-MYB  Beach BE33 11:06:22 11:26:22
93 ZU-FWA  Van’s RV-7 11:07:09 11:27:09
1 ZU-FWB  Van’s RV10 11:07:19 11:27:19
39 ZS-FFL  Cessna 210T 11:07:30 11:27:30
99 ZS-MTR  Cessna C210N 11:07:40 11:27:40
8 ZS-BJR  Beech A36 11:07:50 11:27:50
64 ZS-BNA  Beech F33A 11:08:00 11:28:00
79 ZU-TCD  Van’s RV10 11:08:10 11:28:10
69 ZU-DJC  Van’s RV8 11:08:19 11:28:19
17 ZS-ACA  Cirrus SR22 11:08:39 11:28:39
47 ZS-MEJ  Cessna T210M 11:08:57 11:28:57
50 ZU-FHM  Van’s RV-8 11:09:07 11:29:07
57 ZU-FCE  Van’s RV-8 11:09:17 11:29:17
103 ZU-IHI  Vans RV7 11:09:27 11:29:27
90 ZS-MKB  Cessna T210N 11:09:36 11:29:36
75 ZU-MPH  Van’s RV8 11:09:47 11:29:47
32 ZU-FNI  Van’s RV-10 11:09:57 11:29:57
44 ZU-IHH  Van’s RV7A 11:11:31 11:31:31
15 ZU-XML  Ravin 500 11:12:53 11:32:53
11 ZS-PBX  Mooney M20F 11:14:00 11:34:00
54 ZU-EAR  Vans RV7 11:14:45 11:34:45
73 ZS-PLE  Cirrus SR22 11:15:16 11:35:16
62 ZS-PFD  Cirrus SR22T 11:15:29 11:35:29
85 ZS-CHL  Beech BE58 11:17:12 11:37:12
42 ZS-JIE  Cirrus SR22 11:19:13 11:39:13
3 ZS-IBX  Beech E33 11:19:41 11:39:41
77 ZS-VSA  Cessna C402B 11:19:55 11:39:55
94 ZS-KTO  Piper 600 Aerostar 11:21:53 11:41:53
10 ZU-DCB  Lancair Legacy 11:25:54 11:45:54